The New Pill

65 2 18

**Okay, so this is my submission to Round 1 of the Wattpad's Next Rising Star contest. I am really happy to have made it into the top 16! This round was a hard one for me because I have never read or written science fiction in my life, so I really hope this will make it through!  really hope to be adding another part to this soon, and if not then it's been really fun being part of the contest:)**

"Commence this, the eighteen thousandth meeting of the Illuminati."

In the darkened room, the only light came from the dim blue buttons of the cyborgs that guarded the doors. About thirty people sat around a large oak table in a top secret location. They were all wearing black and brown robes that covered their whole bodies and faces. Their identities were kept so secret, that not even the members of the meeting themselves knew one another's true identity. One could be sitting next to one's entire family and be unaware of it.

"The girl is disrupting things again; she came back  to the laboratory." No-one knew who was talking except for the person actually talking. "She must be destroyed."

Not a person uttered a word until the one at the head of the table, who was wearing a golden robe, said in a deep, bass voice, "Yes. Yes she must."

The meeting was over and everybody stood up and took a step backwards onto their hover boards. The whole assembly saluted in the darkness and then flew out of the open window, and off into the night.

'Oh, so they think they can destroy me, do they? Well a group who are stupid enough to leave a window open when discussing global secrets will never get me,' I thought as I stood up from under the window. 'Idiots...'

*A few days later*

I ducked on my hover board as a robot almost hit my head. Those stupid things cannot drive at all, I don't know why people let them fly.

I looked down at the woods below me. The trees seemed knit together like a huge green blanket that stretched across the landscape as far as the eye could see, warming the Earth. Despite being so high up, I felt no fear or queaziness. I had a pill for that. I had a pill for almost everything; one to stop me from feeling fear, one to stop me from feeling pain, one to make me really clever and loads more. I even had a pill that could make me smell nice; showers aren't exactly in abundance when you live out in the woods.

"Jesus Christ, you bloody, stupid piece of junk! Watch where the hell you are going," I shouted as a passing robot almost crashed into me.

As I zoomed away, I heard the robot say, "I am sorry, I could not process this request. Please try again."

I sighed, but stopped and smiled when I looked up and saw the city up ahead.

'Soon,' I told myself. 'Soon I will have my new pills.'

I knew how dangerous it was for me to be anywhere near the city, seeing as the most powerful people in the world lived there and wanted me dead, but I had to get those pills. I wouldn't say I was addicted to them, I just really needed them!

They are the whole reason I was banished from the city in the first place actually:

It was almost a year ago when I discovered I was very good at science. I built some cyborgs and a robot, but then I decided that I wanted something that could help me a bit in life, so I created a pill that made me prettier. It shrank my nose, enlarged my eyes and made my mouth pinker. At first I looked beautiful, but then I began to take it more and more and now my nose is barely there at all, my eyes are as large as saucers and my lips are permanently neon. Everyone laughed at me and I could not figure out how to reverse the effects of the pill, so I was forced to create a new one. This one made me feel better about myself, but apparently I overused that one too because people began to tell me I was acting arrogantly. I began to brag about all the amazing things I could do, but of course when people asked to see, I could not do any of it. Well, that was until I created five new pills that made me; a world class break dancer, a mind reader, a professional escapist, a magician and an underwater breather.

So despite being so ugly and being 'arrogant' as they all put it, everyone also thought I was really cool. But when the Illuminati heard of all the amazing things I could do, and then discovered that I was actually breaking into their top secret laboratory for the equipment and ingredients, they wanted me dead.

By being in their lab, I had apparently 'seen too much', but by that time, I was unstoppable. I had so many different pills that I could do anything with and no one else knew how to make them.

I landed my hover board at the edge of the woods and rifled through my pockets, pulling out about fifteen small packets. I opened the one labelled 'Invisibility' and swallowed it whole. Once the tingling sensation had disappeared, I walked into the city and found the Illuminati buildings.

I then swallowed the 'Escapist' pill and began to climb up the side of the Illuminati lab to reach an open window on the fifth floor. I began to reappear because lots of pills do not seem to work at the same time.

I thought about making one today that helps them all work together, but then realised I did not know the formula for all of them. Besides, I needed one to help me tell the future today.

Quietly but quickly, I rushed around the building collecting and condensing ingredients until I had the small white prototype in my hand. Taking a deep breath, I swallowed the pill whole.

I let out a cry as my muscles began to contract and although I could feel no fear, my mind went blank. What was happening? My legs gave way and I began to spasm violently on the marble floor of the laboratory.

Suddenly it stopped and I lay frozen on the ground for a moment before jumping up and laughing. Of course, it was only the 'Escapist' pill wearing off to be replaced by this new one.

I shut my eyes; come on future, come to me.

At that moment, everything went black and I saw the silhouette of what looked like a teenage girl. I knew that something was coming to get her; I could not explain how, I just knew.

"Run!" I screamed, but instead she just ate something and stood there. Then she fell to the ground and began to roll around, making my heart quicken in pace, but after only a moment she got up again.

Something was coming after this girl, and whatever it was, it wanted her dead. Couldn't she feel it? Why was she not scared? Why could she not just run away?

All of a sudden, a creature appeared behind her. It was hunched over and appeared to be wearing a robe, but I could not see because of the conflicting shadows in the dark, hazy vision. The thing slipped something into her pocket and then disappeared into the shadows.

Panic gripped me as the girl pulled something out of her pocket and ate it. She thought it was okay, but I could tell that whatever that thing was, it had just poisoned her. Nausea washed over me as she collapsed to the ground. She was dead, I knew it.

I opened my eyes; well that was someone's future but whose? I don't know any other teenage girl apart from myself.

I heard the whirl of a cyborg's engine coming closer and closer to the room I was in, and I realised I had been there for too long. I reached into my pocket for another 'Escapist' pill and swallowed it.

I did not see the smile of the golden robed man as he stood behind me.

"Next time you spy on people near windows, make sure everyone is gone before you stand up."

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