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Okay, so what is a soulmate to start with? I think that in order to properly convince you, I should begin by explaining the true meaning of the word.

The dictionary definition is, ‘a person with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility.’

If we are taking this meaning to be correct, then it does not have to be a sexual relationship (please note the ‘or’) and so perhaps soulmates are sometimes just friends. This is possible, and does not mean that soulmates do not exist, simply that you have a very close relationship with someone.

A quote from one of my favourite TV shows, Sex and the City really sums up what I am trying to say here, “Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with.”

I like this quote particularly because it turns the normal rules of society on its head. Most people see friends as people to just mess around and have fun with, and your ‘partner’ to be your soulmate, but what if it is the other way around? Does this mean that soulmates do not exist? Of course not, it simply means that anyone can be your soulmate.

Moving on; many religions also talk about soulmates too, such as Judaism. Jews have their own word called ‘bashert’ which is a direct translation to destiny but is used in reference to soulmates. Within the religion, there is a beautiful concept which states that 40 days before a male child is even conceived, a voice calls from heaven and announces the name of the woman he will marry. This says that they believe that not only is love predetermined, but that there is only one woman in the world for each man to marry.

I think that society seems to teach us to only love one person, but in my opinion, this seems ridiculous. I do not believe that there is only one soulmate out there for every person, I think there are tens and even hundreds of people that we could feel a deep connection to, but it is just a case of finding one of them.

What about people in history like Elizabeth Taylor and Henry 8th who have had many husbands/wives? Were they really in love with those people; did they really think they had found their soulmate? In the case of Henry 8th, of course not, he just wanted a son, and I do not know enough about Liz Taylor to possibly comment, but what I am trying to say is that some people can be fooled into thinking they have found their soulmate when they have in fact not. This does not mean that they do not exist, simply that as the saying goes, ‘there are plenty more fish in the sea’ and you should keep searching.

But what about people who end up alone? Does this mean that they did not have a soulmate? I think that they may have had too many doubts about finding one, and so they held out waiting for the ‘perfect person’ who was possibly there all along. This, to me, does not mean they did not have a soulmate.

To end this peice with a bit of humour, I have tried to find the lamest joke about soulmates that I can and in the end, I had to settle for something that relates back to my first question of what is a soulmate? A soulmate is a matching shoe. Oh dear, haha.

I hope that I have managed to convince you of the existence of soulmates, and I hope that you find that lucky someone one day!

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