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"No fucking way," Maddie remarked, holding up a tiny black dress that Evie had picked out for her. Evie sits on the foot of Maddie's bed, arms crossed, pouting. "Why not?"

Maddie holds the dress on top of herself, putting her hand where it cuts off to show how short it is on her. "Is that an ironic question? We're going out to a dingy bar with my brother and his douchebag teammates, not to Vegas."

Evie rolled her eyes, unfazed by Maddie's protest. "Come on, Maddie, live a little. We're going out with hot hockey players; you can't wear your lifeguard uniform."

Maddie sighed, putting her arm down, dress in hand. "I wouldn't call them hot." And, it was true. She had never looked at a hockey player and actually thought he was attractive... until today.

Evie raised an eyebrow, an amused grin on her face. "Except for Lukas Dostal, right? I saw the way you were looking at him."

Maddie groaned, but a blush crept its way up her neck. "What? Evie, I don't do hockey players, you know that."

Evie laughed. "Maddie, it's okay to admit that he's cute. It doesn't mean you have to marry the guy, just acknowledge the eye candy. Plus, it might make Trevor happy to see you socializing a bit more."

Maddie chewed on her bottom lip, turning around and holding the dress up to herself again in the mirror. Evie clapped jokingly, "Looking good, mama!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, fine, I'll wear it. I'm not wearing heels, though, I need to be able to escape if it gets too crazy." Maddie replied, grabbing a pair of panda dunks from her closet.


As the uber dropped them off at the address Trevor texted her, Maddie quickly realized that this is not a dingy bar, seeing a bouncer up front who looked like he could squish her and Evie with ease.

Maddie and Evie approached him, Evie taking the lead. The bouncer looked both of them up and down, in their short, bodycon dresses, and stifled a chuckle. "Sorry, ladies, this isn't a college bar."

Evie crossed her arms, giving the bouncer the same attitude back. "We're with the Ducks." The bouncer raised an eyebrow, sizing them up once more before smirking. "Sure, you are. What's your name?"

Evie's jaw dropped mockingly, "Evie Nguyen. But I'm not important," She says, pushing Maddie infront of her, "This is Madeline Zegras."

"ID?" The bouncer questioned, and Maddie handed over her ID immediately. He looked at it for a few seconds before talking again, "Is this fake?"

"What? No." Maddie says, raising an eyebrow at the bouncer who still isn't convinced. "Sorry, sweetheart, I just don't believe that these hockey players would invite two girls like y-" The bouncer starts, but he's cut off by Trevor walking by the door.

Trevor spotted Maddie and Evie at the entrance, his eyes widening in surprise. He quickly approached the bouncer, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration. "Hey, they're with me. Let them in, Mark."

The bouncer nods, waving the girls in. The bar was loud, but the atmosphere was different from any other bar Maddie had ever been to. She saw a lot of famous faces, and she felt really out of place, but Trevor grabbed her by her shoulder and brought her to the Ducks' booth.

As they approached the booth, Maddie couldn't help but notice the familiar faces of Trevor's teammates. She recognized all of them - she was like a little sister to most. They were all chatting and laughing, clearly enjoying their night.

"Maddie!" Jamie exclaimed, throwing his arms over her. "How are you? I haven't seen you at a game in a while."

Maddie leaned into Jamie's hug, very much enjoying the smell of his woody cologne. If she could say she ever had a thing for a hockey player before today, it would definitely be for Jamie Drysdale. "Just been busy," She says, pulling away from him, "But I came tonight, I don't know if you noticed."

Jamie kisses her on the cheek playfully, which, arguably, made Maddie a little hot and bothered. "Trevor, you gotta tell me when your hot sister comes to our games," He says, before sitting down.

Lukas thinks his eyes deceive him as he watches, the sight of a new pretty girl he had just met being kissed by his teammate made him a little mad - it was just his luck, though.

Trevor punches Jamie's arm lightly, "Pull that shit again and I'll kill you," He laughs, mostly joking, but even though Trevor didn't want to admit it, he felt a surge of overprotectiveness for his sister.

Maddie took a seat beside Lukas, and Evie beside Trevor. Lukas felt Maddie's thigh touch his, and the sensation sent heat through him. Feeling a little brave, and even more so a little drunk, Lukas leaned in to whisper to Maddie, "You look great tonight."

Maddie couldn't help but blush at Lukas' compliment. She was used to being around Trevor's teammates, but there was something about Lukas that felt different. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed genuinely interested in her, not just as Trevor's sister.

"Thanks, Lukas," Maddie replied, offering a shy smile. She could feel the eyes of the others on them, and it made her a bit self-conscious. Trevor, noticing the exchange, nudged Lukas with a smirk.

"Hey, you too, Dosty," he teased, causing the others to chuckle. Lukas shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. The night continued with laughter, drinks, and stories told from all around the table.

Shots were taken... So many shots were taken, that Maddie had forgotten she had to leave early, and instead was dancing with the entire Anaheim Ducks roster and her best friend in this fancy bar.

Maddie had found herself dancing very closely with Jamie, and he was playing into it, holding her waist and pushing himself against her. He had whispered a few sweet nothings into her ear, and in her drunken state, that was enough for her to want to get into his pants.

Lukas had watched from across the dance floor, the alcohol hitting his head as hard as anyone else, but it only seemed to aggravate his jealousy, seeing Maddie and Jamie rub up on each other like that. Hell, he'd only known her for a few hours, but he wanted her, and not just sexually, he wanted to know her.

"Maddie..." Jamie whispered closely into her ear, "Do you want to come back to my place?" He twirled her around, their lips were hovering so very close to each other, enough that Maddie could almost taste the black cherry white claw on his mouth.

Maddie had looked up at Jamie, studying the face that she'd known very well. She knew that Trevor would be upset if he found out, but the way that Jamie looked at her sent a surge of heat straight to her core. "Yes," She murmured into his mouth.

Jamie smirked, which almost made Maddie melt into a puddle on the floor. He knew the risk of Trevor finding out very well, so, as well as he could under the influence, Jamie made sure Trevor was looking the other way before grabbing Maddie's hand and pulling her out of the bar, hailing a cab to his apartment.

Lukas hadn't noticed the lack Maddie and Jamie's presence, he had been too busy drinking more to get his mind off that spectacle. He wasn't born yesterday - he knew that they went to hook up, but he managed to control himself and his jealousy, telling himself that they just coincidentally left at the same time.

He'd decided to shift his attention to Trevor and Evie, who were getting cozy themselves at this point, but his mind always drifted back to Maddie. He felt as if he'd been hit in the head with Cupid's arrow, which made him feel defeated.

Trevor noticed Lukas slowly drifting away from the main party and stumbled towards him. "Luke, what's with the long face? Have fun! Call it your Ducks initiation or whatever."

Lukas' head pounded, the alcohol flowing through him freely. He blinked as he met Trevor's gaze. "I think I'm just going to head home, have fun, guys."

Trevor shrugged, not wanting to press him on it. "Okay, see ya later, Dosty." He said, stumbling back towards the dance floor.

Lukas walked out, still feeling jealous and a little gross, arguably. The alcohol hit him quicker than he anticipated, and he threw up on the side of the street before calling an Uber. And, throughout everything, he kept telling himself, "They're not together right now."

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