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(A/N: long ass chapter. I'm thinking of making this a love triangle book but idk if I want to bc my other one is. Lmk!)

TW: smut. NSFW!

TREVOR ZEGRAS always knew he'd make it big. His entire life, he was surrounded by people who told him that. He was the golden child, you could say, the one who was held up on a high horse - so much so that his twin sister lived in his shadow their entire childhood. He didn't get it, though. His sister was his favourite person; the person he wanted to be when he grew up.

Maddie had always been there for Trevor, supporting him in every game, cheering him on from the sidelines, even when their parents couldn't make it. She was his rock, his confidante, his best friend. Of course she felt like the glass child, but now that she was an adult, she could put her childhood behind her.

It had been 2 months since the start of the season, and Trevor made Maddie come back with him to New York for a couple of days for Christmas. Ever since Maddie had moved down to California to be closer to Trevor, she hadn't kept in close touch with her parents. She still felt neglected by them, and rightfully so, but she couldn't say no to Trevor's puppy dog eyes asking her to come back with him.

"Mads," Trevor remarked, nudging her with his elbow. Maddie was trying to fall asleep, the redeye flight on December 23rd was probably the last time she was going to get a good nights sleep until she came back to her own apartment. Her head leaned against the window of the plane when she got disrupted by her brother. "What?" She asked, slightly annoyed.

"I know you said you didn't want to talk about it," Trevor replied nervously, his eyes darting everywhere but hers, "But why haven't you come to my games for a while?"

Maddie felt a lump in her throat form as she opened her mouth to speak, rethought what she was going to say, and finally replied with something vague so he wouldn't press her: "Just been busy. I've been watching them on TV, Trev, don't worry."

Trevor frowned, not convinced by Maddie's response. His eyebrows crinkled as he tensed up in his seat, glancing out the window at the passing clouds, "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

Maddie sighed softly, meeting Trevor's gaze. "It's not you. You didn't do anything." She said, feeling her heart wrench a little for her brother.

Trevor's jaw clenched. "Someone did something? Who was it?" He exclaimed, fists clenching.

"No one, Trev!" Maddie hissed, earning a few glares from people on the plane. Trevor lowered his voice, his eyes searching Maddie's for answers. "Was it Jamie? I swear to god-"

"It wasn't Jamie." She said, averting her gaze away from Trevor and out the window.

It was true. Jamie Drysdale hadn't been anything but very nice and, admittedly, slightly creepy towards Maddie since they hooked up. The issue was Lukas Dostal.

Lukas had kept his promise and took her on that date - and it was probably the best date of Maddie's life. She had heart eyes for him as if he was a real-life prince charming, and he even shielded her when they got paparazzi-bombed.

Maddie had seen the local headlines, speculating their relationship. She had guarded Trevor closely the week following to make sure he didn't see them, and, thankfully, he didn't.

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