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(A/N: guys I hate making Jamie the villain so much but ITS FOR THE PLOT UGHHHH. Also I know the timing for the teammates showing up is weird but it's FICTION okay leave me alone. Thanksss)


That was the only sound in the room as the tension between Maddie and Trevor was thick enough to cut with a knife. Evie had started to catch on as she narrowed her eyes, gesturing vaguely between them.

"Did we... interrupt something?" Evie asked cautiously, her cheerful demeanor quickly fading as she took in their expressions.

Trevor glanced at Maddie, then back at Evie, his jaw tightening. "No, it's fine," he muttered, forcing a smile. "Thanks for the surprise."

Maddie forced herself to smile too, though her mind was racing. She couldn't believe she had just blurted out her secret about Jamie, and now she had to act like everything was normal. She walked over to Evie, trying to act casual. "Yeah, thanks, guys. This is really sweet."

Owen still seemed oblivious to the underlying tension, happily opening the case of White Claws. "Let's get this party started then!" he declared, handing a can to Trevor.

Trevor took it but didn't open it. He turned to Evie, trying to silently signal that this was not a good time, but she just smiled. After getting no reaction, he walked over to Maddie and tugged on her sleeve, leaning down to talk in her ear. "We need to talk, now." He said through gritted teeth.

Evie grinned widely as her and Owen clinked their cans and took sips of their drinks. Evie  then turned to the twins, Maddie shrugging and Trevor immediately straightening back out to try not to seem suspicious. "Ooh, We should invite more people! Make it a real party!" She exclaimed, beaming at the two.

Maddie immediately tensed up at the thought of even more people showing up. Trevor rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure, whatever," He started, fishing his phone out of his pocket and handing it to Evie, "Text whoever you want. Maddie?"

He proceeded to grab Maddie's hand and pull her into a nearby hallway, far enough from the kitchen that Evie and Owen wouldn't be able to hear their conversation. He didn't say anything, only crossed his arms and gave Maddie a stern look.

"Well, are you going to say anything?" Maddie chirped, feeling Trevor's gaze burn into her. She always got weird when she was nervous, and right now was one of those times.

Trevor scoffed. "Me? Am I going to say anything? No, Maddie, are you going to say anything? You. Now talk."

Maddie sighed, trying to find the right words. "Look, Trev, I-"

"Actually, I think I do want to say something," Trevor interrupted, "What the fuck, Maddie? How is this something you just like, casually bring up while I'm trying to open up to you? That's just like, human decency to listen to me before you start talking, right? I mean, I'm just-"

"Woah woah woah," Maddie shot back, interrupting him much like he did to her a couple moments ago, "Are we forgetting that you hooked up with my best friend too?"

Trevor furrowed his eyebrows, his posture remaining tense.. "Okay, that's not the same, and you know it."

"How's it not the same?" Maddie exclaimed, throwing her arms up in her defence, "Yeah, I fucked up, but you aren't a saint either. I just don't understand why you're pinning it on me, when- "

Suddenly, Maddie gets cut off by the sound of a door opening in the common area. The pair give each other a look before cautiously making their way towards the noise, and that's when they it. Almost Trevor's entire team, along with a few girls some of them had brought.

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