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It was loud. Louder than it had been during the game, in fact. Fans hoarded around all of the players, and Maddie was left clinging to Trevor's arm in the whole mess, hoping to make an escape as soon as possible.

She was being shoved and yelled at while they made their way to the player lot, and it made Trevor upset to see his sister being pushed around like that. He loved his fans, but he would never let anyone fuck with Maddie. He leaned down slightly to talk in Maddie's ear - a plan to get her out of this situation. "I left my sweater in my locker. How about you go back in and get it?"

Maddie crinkled her nose at the suggestion. "I don't think I'm allowed in there," She replied, going up on her toes to reach his ear, although Trevor could still barely hear her.

"You're not," Trevor said back, "But there's no one left in there, and I don't want you to be a part of this shit show," He paused, turning his attention to a jersey a fan had stuck out for him, scrawling his signature on it. "I'll meet you by my car after this dies down, okay?"

Maddie nodded, giving Trevor's hand a quick squeeze before pushing her way through the crowd and back into the building. Honda Center was about to close - but the security was all occupied with the hoards of Trevor Zegras fangirls out towards the parking lot.

She was going to be quick, she thought, so she made her way to the Ducks locker room, not thinking twice before pushing open the door - since Trevor told her everyone already left.

As she stepped inside, she was met with an eerie silence that sharply contrasted the chaos outside. She scanned the wall for Trevor's locker, and when she found it she fumbled with the combination lock to try to get it open.

"Maddie?" A voice said, suddenly, behind her. Maddie yelped out of fear, quickly turning on her heels to put a face to the voice.

Lukas Dostal was standing there, fresh out of the shower. He was wearing nothing besides the towel wrapped loosely around his hips, and Maddie found herself staring for a moment too long before her eyes trailed up to meet his.

Her heart ached looking at him, remembering the pain she went through after he ghosted her. Lukas looked back, his face contorted in a way that Maddie couldn't put an emotion to. "What are you doing here?"

Maddie turned back around quickly, finally getting the lock open and snatching the hoodie out. "Just getting something for Trevor," She mumbled, not wanting to engage in conversation with Lukas any longer.

"Maddie, I-" Lukas started, turning towards her when she quickly shuffled to the door.

Maddie cut him off before he could finish his sentence, "I don't need to hear it, Lukas, it's fine." She said, pulling at the door with full intention to escape as quickly as possible, until she couldn't.

The door was locked. Maddie's heart raced as she realized, her panic rising with each passing second. She turned the handle again, desperately hoping it was just stuck, but it remained firmly shut.

She glanced back at Lukas, her eyes wide with panic. "Did you lock the door?" she asked, her voice trembling with anxiety.

Lukas shook his head, his own expression mirroring Maddie's panic. "No, I didn't touch it," he replied, his voice tinged with concern. "It must have locked automatically when you closed it."

"What the fuck!" Maddie exclaimed, still pulling at the door with all her strength. Lukas raised an eyebrow, trying the door himself before rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I've never had that happen before," he said, pausing to think. "Wait, what time is it?"

Maddie fumbled for her phone, her hands shaking with nerves as she checked the time. "It's almost midnight," she replied, her voice strained with anxiety.

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