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(A/N: This one is more family centred but I am a Trevor Zegras enjoyer so I wanted to make it happen (for my Czech readers; if you don't really know who he is, I reccomend you google him he's great). I'm also working on better imagery for my writing so hopefully it went well haha. Enjoy!)

Monte Carlo. A place unlike no other, filled with multitudes of people who live lavish, comfortable lifestyles, and those who deal with tourists. The casino was a particular attraction - with it's beautiful architecture, exclusive, high stakes gambling, and, of course, the French Riveria right outside. One would never want to leave such a place, and that's why it's recreated worldwide, although it's never quite like the real thing.

Which is exactly how it was right now. Because this wasn't Monte Carlo, this was the Lady Ducks Spring Gala.

The clack of dice against the craps tables around them was almost hypnotizing in the loud ballroom, the air thick with cigarette smoke and the sea of bodies almost suffocating. Waiters with slick-backed hair and velvet black bowties carried around silver-plated trays with glass flutes filled with champagne sitting neatly on top, as well as the assortment of hors d'oeuvres accompanying them.

Maddie could feel the beige stilettos she was wearing dig into the back of her heel, but that was the last thing on her mind as she clung to Trevor's arm, her own hair big and blown-out for the occasion sticking to her lipstick. She adorned a floor length, burgundy gown that she had not owned until about an hour ago when Trevor had dropped it off for her.

Trevor seemed unbothered, that was the best way to put it as he made a beeline forward, only stopping to greet the multitudes of party-goers that called him over. The truth was, he felt just as uncomfortable as Maddie in this situation, his dirty-blond locks gelled as neatly as he could on his own and the tie around the collar of his pure white dress shirt messily done, as he had to revisit the infamous 'how to tie a tie' Youtube video once again.

Maddie felt Trevor stiffen at every interaction they had, and at some point when they had found themselves in a quieter corner she squeezed his arm tighter. Her heels lifted out of her shoes as she went up on the tips of her feet to whisper in his ear, combatting the noise, "Are you okay?"

Trevor's brows knitted together as he looked down at Maddie. Of course he felt bad for looping her into this thing, year after year, but this year the guilt was simply eating at him. He wanted to say yes, that he loved her and he missed her and that he was sorry, but he just couldn't do it.

He had his pride, after all.

"What? No, I'm fine." Trevor conceded, his tone sharp, almost defensive. He quickly got a hold of the first glass of champagne that came by and downed it in one go, which deepened Maddie's concern, but she decided to trudge on.

"Okay. I believe you," Maddie said, adjusting the strap on her dress that had fallen down her shoulder. She bit her lip, contemplating something before speaking again, "Can I... talk to you about something?" She asked.

Trevor took a deep breath, clearly slightly annoyed as he bit a piece of cocktail shrimp, washing it down with another sip of champagne. "Not really a good time, but sure, if you really want to."

Maddie hesitated for a moment as she watched Trevor act so coldly towards her. She didn't like it, this was her built-in best friend and yet he was treating her like she was his sworn enemy at the moment. Usually when they fought, they got over it quick. But this time around, it had been close to a month of not talking until today, and the only reason they were talking is because they quite literally had to.

And that's why she just decided to say it.

"I'm thinking about moving back to New York." Maddie blurted out, pulling her dress down as she shifted uncomfortably.

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