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(A/N: Currently almost 4am as I write this! This book desperately needed an update, and I know what I'm gonna write in the next one but I thought might as well get this short bit out now. It's mostly just some cute fluff, but next chapter is gonna be crazy trust. Also, for those who don't know, lady ducks refers to the wives & girlfriends of the Anaheim Ducks players:))

Three Weeks Later

The Lady Ducks Spring Gala was a rite of passage.

It was the most important thing that any of the wives & girlfriends did all season - even though they planned plenty of events throughout - this was the event.

It was a fundraiser of sorts, although they definitely didn't need more money. Some would call it a glory thing, to get all dressed up and spit on all normal people while drinking fancy wine and bragging about being some hockey player's wife.

That was how Maddie saw it, anyway.

She went every year, though, glued to Trevor's arm. He could never hold a stable relationship, so bringing his sister as his date felt like the most reasonable thing to do when it came around every year.

They usually got some weird glances from new people unfamiliar with them, as it was a 'bring your significant other' event by nature, although the players that had been playing with Trevor for a while didn't bat an eye. Whenever someone asked, Trevor would always say that Maddie was the most important woman in his life.

This year, though, Maddie and Trevor weren't exactly on the best terms. They were both in the wrong, clearly, but they were also both too stubborn to admit it and blamed it on the other. Trevor hadn't texted her in weeks, and Maddie hadn't been to any of his games in that same time period.

Lately, she had been thinking of him more, but right now, Maddie was sitting on her bed, a scowl on her face as she scrolled through Indeed on her laptop. A new job was something she had been toying with for a while, but actually going through with it was harder than she'd imagined as she looked at countless listings.

The door suddenly swung open, and Maddie didn't even look up as she heard the sound of someone walking in and shutting the door behind them. "I got the almond milk you wanted," Lukas said, placing the brown paper bag on the kitchen island as he kicked off his shoes, "I had to go to three different stores, but I found it."

"Yeah, thanks, baby," Maddie mumbled, her gaze still fixated on her laptop screen. She had completely forgotten she asked Lukas to come over, nonetheless pick up groceries for her, but now that he was there she couldn't stop her focus.

"Baby? That's new." Lukas said, raising an eyebrow as he walked over to the bed, which wasn't too far in the small studio. He crossed his arms as he stood infront of it, staring at Maddie.

Maddie ignored his presence, moving her fingers down on the trackpad. "Uh huh," She mumbled once again.

Lukas chuckled softly as he raised his arms above his head, his hoodie riding up slightly as he stretched. "Is there a reason I came over? Or are you just going to ignore me." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, his shoulders relaxing.

Maddie finally looked up from her laptop, her scowl softening slightly when she saw Lukas. She sighed, closing the laptop and setting it aside. "Sorry, Lukas. I've just been really stressed out lately. The job search isn't going well."

Lukas frowned as he went around the bed, sitting beside her and placing a comforting hand on the small of her back. "You'll be okay. You know you don't have to worry about money, right?"

"Having hockey players for my brother and my boyfriend doesn't mean I just want your charity. I can take care of myself." Maddie remarked, crossing her arms.

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