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(A/N: I've never done a cliffhanger before... went pretty well I think! Also, I promise there will be more context in upcoming chapters lol)

"Jamie, stop!" Maddie exclaimed, letting go of Lukas' hand and rushing out into the aisle which separated the sides of the room. Holding up her dress with one hand so she wouldn't trip, she was now fully facing Jamie, and people's glares had now directed towards her.

Jamie laughed, gesturing towards her. "Oh, here we go," He started, grinning as wide as ever, "Why are you up here, Maddie? Something you wanna share?"

Maddie stood her ground, her heart pounding in her chest as she faced Jamie. The crowd's eyes bore into her, and she struggled to get the words out. "I... Please, Jamie, not now. Don't do this now."

"Just because you came up here so bravely, I'll give you the chance to tell everyone yourself," Jamie said, crossing his arms. "Go on, sweetheart."

Maddie felt her heart racing, the spotlight burning into her as every eye in the room turned to her. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, but her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She glanced at Lukas to her left, who looked equally as scared as she was. "Jamie, please," She pleaded, her voice shaking but firm. "This isn't the time or place."

Jamie smirked, clearly enjoying the attention. "What do you mean? No better place than here." he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Everyone, if you haven't met her, the beautiful lady in red is Madeline Zegras, your golden boy, Trevor's, sister."

Murmurs broke out in the crowd at that, and even more scepticism started. Nobody knew what was happening, and the fact that Maddie was somehow involved baffled them.

Trevor, who had been sitting somewhere around a poker table with his other teammates, was listening intently, although the alcohol impaired him. A part of him wanted to step up, to say something and to stop Jamie from doing his strange hero speech, but he froze as he watched Maddie shake like a leaf in the middle of the aisle.

"Jamie-" Maddie started, trying to spit it out herself, but she was interrupted.

"I gave you your chance, Maddie," Jamie spoke over her, the microphone ringing at his raised voice, although his expression remained relatively calm, "Madeline slept with me. Multiple times, actually."

The room fell silent, the weight of Jamie's words hanging heavily in the air. Maddie felt the blood drain from her face as gasps and whispers rippled through the crowd. She glanced at Trevor, who although already knew this information, didn't know it happened more than once and looked equally as shocked as everyone else, albeit a bit angry.

Maddie felt tears welling up, but she forced herself to stand tall. "Please, Jamie, I-"

"And that's not even the best part!" Jamie interrupted, once again, "After the fact, she ran off, completely ignoring me for someone else," He paused, his eyes zeroing in on Lukas, "Him."

With that, everyone's eyes directed a new direction - and that was at Lukas. He was frozen, wide-eyed with no words coming out, even if he did desperately want to say something.

Jamie pouted, still looking directly at Lukas. "Like a deer in headlights, huh?" He teased, surveying Lukas' frozen expression, "I would ask if you want to tell these wonderful folks yourself what you did, but I'm assuming you're the same as your little girlfriend here."

Lukas' mind raced as the weight of Jamie's words settled over the room like a heavy fog. He glanced at Maddie, who stood trembling in the aisle, her face pale and eyes filled with fear. His heart ached for her, knowing that Jamie's cruel revelations were tearing her apart. But he also knew he couldn't admit this. Not when there was a chance that Jamie didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

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