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(A/N: You guys are INSANE thank you for the support!! I think this might be the first one of my fics that I actually end up closing out because of the crazy amount of demand & pretty evenly FIFTY new readers a day? Oh my God guys, am I dreaming? LMAO. This is a story-heavy chap but you will get more Lukas next time I promise.)

One week later

"What the hell even is this? What are we watching?" Trevor asked, motioning to the TV even though he was in the middle of chewing.

Maddie laughed, moving her chopsticks around in the small takeout box. "I don't know, honestly," She remarked, her eyes now focused on Trevor, "I thought you'd like it. It's dramatic, like you."

The stupid, teenage vampire show kept playing in the back as Trevor scoffed, "Yeah, okay, little sis, whatever you say."

A pout formed on Maddie's face as she protested Trevor's words. "One minute and thirty-two seconds older than me, Trev, that doesn't count."

They were finally hanging out, as Maddie promised a week beforehand. Takeout and movie night, as requested by Trevor. She tried to make it happen earlier, but sneaking around was surprisingly tough work. Plus, why wouldn't she ditch her brother to hang out with Lukas every chance she got, when Lukas rocked her world every single time they were together?

Smart choices, Maddie.

"Still older, and wiser. In fact, I'm wise enough to know when there's something up with my little sister," Trevor replied, picking up the remote and pausing the TV before focusing on Maddie, "What's wrong, Mads?"

Maddie's eyes widened as they met Trevor's. She knew why he was asking, but there was no way in hell that she was admitting it. Her and Lukas had promised eachother to keep their relationship top secret. That included no public dates, and copious amounts of sneaking around, which had created distance between Maddie and Trevor.

She loved her brother, of course she didn't mean for them to grow apart, but one wrong move and she was sure Jamie would keep his promise to blow Lukas' life apart.

It hadn't really been an issue until Jamie texted Maddie, maybe 3 days after their big argument, and said he was sorry. She didn't know if Jamie genuinely meant it - maybe he did - but she knew that there was no way in hell she was responding, especially now that she was actively involved with Lukas again.

Instead of gently dodging the question, Maddie decided to snap right back at Trevor. His sudden concern for Evie had been etching at the back of her mind and she decided right now was the perfect time to ask about it, along with his sudden drop in mood over the past week. "I'm fine. In fact," She said, mocking Trevor from earlier, "What's wrong with you, Trevor? Been acting a little doom and gloom lately."

Trevor's brow furrowed as he stared at Maddie, clearly not expecting the tables to be turned so quickly. He let out a heavy sigh and placed his takeout box on the coffee table, rubbing the back of his neck as if trying to relieve some of the tension. "It's nothing, Mads. Just... hockey stuff."

Maddie raised an eyebrow, not buying it for a second. "Trevor, come on. You know you can talk to me. What's really going on?"

Trevor's gaze flickered to the TV screen, then back to Maddie. He seemed to be weighing his words carefully. "Promise not to freak out?"

Maddie chuckled. "Me? Freak out? Who do you think you're talking to?" She joked, although she was, indeed the type to freak out, and Trevor knew this.

Trevor let out a deep exhale his eyes now fixated back on the TV. "Well, I've sort of been... seeing... Evie." He murmured, the sentenced so drawled out that Maddie could barely understand him.

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