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I woke up around 7am the following day. I sat on my bed for a bit, recollecting about the fiasco. My boss had called and told me off for quitting as counsel until I filled him in on what had happened and that if he forced my hand, I would just quit. Not bragging but I was good at my job and he knew that plus whoever calls a child a bitch?

I sighed as I thought about Sasha and how sad it was that she had a parent who absolutely didn't want her at all. I got out of bed, took a nice warm shower, changed, and went out only to be greeted by a warm sight. The two girls were having breakfast, with Sister Nan and Man pottering in the kitchen cooking. I watched as he came out with a stack of waffles, oblivious to me. He handed out some to everyone and made sure that Sister Nan ate too. He fussed over Sasha and cleaned Ellie's mouth gently as my girl was a messy eater.

Think it wasn't so bad for Sasha after all, she had such a sweet parent who clearly made up for it all. I went over and everyone finally realized my presence, greeting me cheerfully. I sat down for breakfast too and Man came out with some oats and fruits for me. I was surprised. That was my favourite breakfast but how did he know?

He nodded over to Sister Nan, and I knew she must have told him. I smiled fondly at her and thanked him for the food. The girls finished their food and went off to play with Sister Nan going after them leaving me and Man alone at the table. He sat down to eat too and thanked me for last night.

"Thanks again for yesterday. Sorry that you had to see such an ugly sight of me."

"Don't be silly. Anyone in your shoes would do the exact same thing."

Man nodded.

"I be bringing Sasha back today. It's her grandma's birthday so we are going to meet her."

"Your mom?"

Man nodded.

"Where are you guys going?"

"She's been meaning to go to this new place on New Street, so bringing her there plus Sasha has been wanting to try out their desserts too."

I nodded, telling them to have fun. Finally about 1.5 hours later, Sasha left albeit with a thousand promises from her dad on bringing her back and Ellie wailing over her leaving. I had to promise Ellie a thousand things too and finally the girls let go, clearly having made a firm friend in each other.

I nodded at Man who just smiled and they left.

The week was busy but I was powering through until Man called me on Saturday. He said he had extra tickets for this new movie out in the theater and asked if he could invite Ellie. I agreed and he came by to pick her up. I watched, amused as all 3 scooted off. I couldn't join as I had a work call but it didn't matter as long as Ellie had fun.

I closed the door, chuckling to myself over them and turned around to a very amused Sister Nan.

"He's a nice guy, isn't he, Sir?"

"He indeed is. His daughter is a darling too."

"Sometimes I feel like Sasha is your daughter and Ellie is, just based on similarities alone. It's funny. But I also see how different they are and yet all of you seem to gel so well."

"We do, don't we?"

"Haven't seen you smile like this in ages, Sir. Its been well over 5 years."

I kept quiet. "I will never be able to forget or replace her, Sister Nan."

"I never asked you to, Sir. But it will be ok to open your heart up again."

"He's a guy, Sister Nan. I'm straight."

"Love has no gender, Sir. But I respect your wishes. But its a fact, you have smiled more in these last 2 weeks than you have done so in years."

I fell silent, watching as she smiled and walked away, to do her chores. Sister Nan has known me for years. And she was painfully right. I haven't smiled like this in ages and it's not even like I'm forcing myself to. It just comes naturally.

Though Sasha and Ellie didn't meet for a week, they chatted daily on the phone for a few minutes and post their call, Man and I would casually chat too. I realized I had started messaging him too occasionally and he would reply. I told myself, it was because he was a fellow parent.

But, was that entirely it? Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. But I knew I wasn't ready to really open up my heart again.

Light Up My Lyf [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now