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The movie ended around 4 pm. The girls wanted to eat some snacks, so I brought them to this traditional Thai dessert stall. We were having our desserts when I noticed Ellie was really quiet.

"All OK, Ellie? You seem awfully quiet."

She looked at me but just shook her head. She went back to her dessert, but I noticed she kept looking at this family that was about 2 tables away from her. There were 2 girls of her age with their mom and dad. I sighed softly. I knew she must be feeling the pinch. I looked over at Sasha, who had observed that table too but bless my little girl. She just patted Ellie on her arm and smiled at her. Ellie was taken aback by the gesture and just nodded. Sasha fed her some of her own dessert and started whispering conspiratorially to her, and they both delved into a sea of giggles. I just smiled, shaking my head.

When we were done, we took a cab back to Mile's apartment, and I sat in between those girls. Sasha was just reading her book whilst I held onto Ellie's hand. She looked at me.

"A family isn't just made up of a mother and father. It's rather made up of people who love and cherish you. So, yours may look a little different from the one you saw today, but Sister Nan and your dad love you all the same or even more."

She beamed at me and just snuck her head into my arms. I put my arms around both girls and held them close. Once we got to the condo, both girls bounded off first whilst I trailed behind. We got to the apartment, and Sister Nan asked us to come in. She chased Ellie to go get a shower while Sasha followed along to chat with them.

Mile came out of his room. "Hey, how was the movie?"

"All was good. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and wanted dessert too, so brought them to a Thai dessert stall. I bought some for you and Sister Nan as well."

"Thanks. You shouldn't have, though."

"It's ok. I remember you telling me you like this Ruby red dessert, so I got that. Can we speak for a bit, though?"

We sat at the balcony as I filled Mile in. He was quite sombre by the end of it.

"She's still a child. She's definitely going to feel that way even if she doesn't show it often. Just don't dwell too much on it. You are doing great as a parent. But I still wanted to let you know so you understand if she's a bit more moody today.".

Mile thanked me for being there for her. I waved it off muttering she was like another daughter to me. He seemed surprised at that but smiled, the look in his eyes softening. Just then, both girls came out and I told Sasha we had to go as she had to prep for tuition the next day. She nodded.

Both girls said bye to each other longingly. Sasha hugged Sister Nan goodbye whilst Ellie came running up to me.

"Could we go out again soon, uncle Man?"

I looked over at my daughter who just grinned at me.

"Of course, sweetheart. If daddy also says okays, then definitely."

Sasha looked over at Mile who just nodded. Both girls yelped and jumped around cheerfully. Sasha and I said our goodbyes. Sasha went to put on her shoes whilst I waited.

Once done, we left. The next few days saw me busy at work along with juggling Sasha and school. I had a few extra vet emergencies so I was also sleep deprived. Finally Saturday rolled around.

This time, Mile came by to pick us up as we were going out for Disney on Ice. I opened the door, looking a little worse for wear.

"Are you ok? Why do you look so exhausted?"

I filled him in on how busy my week had been and that I was probably falling sick too. Sister Nan was joining us too for the show and she tutted at me.

"Why don't you rest, Sir? Mile and I will bring the girls out and come back. I'm sure it will be all ok. Trust us."

"No, don't be silly Sister Nan. I do trust you but it's just that I promised Sasha I come. And I don't want to break it."

Sister Nan looked at me and just shook her head. I just smiled wanely. Sasha came out, excitedly.

"Papa, ready?"

"Yes, my love. Let me get my wallet, ok?"

She nodded but took a 2nd look at me again.

"Papa, are you sick? You look so red."

I opened my mouth about to shoot off a white lie when Mile jumped in.

"He is, Sasha. And he's not listening to us when we told him to rest."

Sasha growled and everyone burst out laughing at her. She nagged at me and told me to stay home and rest. I spluttered about the promise I made to her and she just shook her head, saying I was more important. I sighed. I finally agreed and sent her off with them and I went to take a rest.

But I started developing a high fever and it raged like mad. The girls, Mile and Sister Nan came home to me, all red faced and thoroughly sick. I heard some whispers of conversation but couldn't participate as I was so out of it.

A little while later, I felt a pair of arms lift me up slowly. I opened my eyes groggily only to realise it was Mile.

"Mile.. what are you..."

"Shh. I sent the girls home with Sister Nan. She will look after them. I be here. Let me look after you."

"It's ok. You got work.."

Mile just flicked me on my forehead. I pouted, and I heard Mile laugh out. His laughter was very comforting. He rarely did but when he did, it was so warm. He tucked me into bed, sponging me constantly as I spluttered all kinds of nonsense.

I asked about the show, I spoke about Sasha and shared all of her funny tales. I even told him about Calvin and how happy we were. I told him how happy I was when we got Sasha. I don't know when I stopped but I knew when I woke up hours later, I found a sponge cloth on my forehead, wrapped snugly in a blanket and Mile sitting on the floor, resting against my bed.

I reached out to touch his hair and he woke up.

"Hey, how do you feel?"

I whispered I was thirsty and he immediately fetched me some water and got me to sit up. He insisted I had to shower so I would not feel worse. I nodded and Mile helped me slowly to the bathroom.

He asked me if I needed help but I said I would be fine. He was about to leave but he saw that I was just standing against the shower stall, my hands on the wall but doing nothing. A little while later, Mile turned me around and asked me to just stand against the wall as he showered me. I refused but he didn't take no for an answer.

He lathered up the bath gel and washed me down with cold water. It woke me up but made me feel so much more better. I towered slightly over him and looked down at him as he continued washing my body. Finally, he was done and he looked at me.

"You ok?"

I nodded, the proximity between us finally hitting me. I wasn't someone who just threw myself at anyone but I had needs too and they haven't been fulfilled in a while. Having Mile so near me and his warm hands just all over my body, made me hard. I tried looking away and counting to 500 to avoid any awkwardness.

Mile just stepped closer to check if there was any remaining soap on my hair and his breath tickled me. I turned and realized we were uncannily close. Literally nose to nose. I could just peck him on his lips; that's how close we were. Mile looked at me, the proximity hitting him too.

He licked his lips unconsciously whilst I just bit mine and looked away. Suddenly, a few seconds later, I felt my face being turned and Mile just covered the remaining tiny gap and kissed me.

That's when, I felt his hard on too and gasped slightly into his kiss, letting him savage me more. Fuck.

Light Up My Lyf [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now