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I face palmed inwardly hearing Sasha. I looked at Ellie, who shot me a more knowing look. Shit, between these two, clearly Ellie was the more street smart one.

I got out of bed, distracting the girls with promises of their favourite breakfast, some arcade time, and also a visit to my home office. Both girls got distracted by it and happily followed me out, giving Mile the chance to sleep in a bit more and also get some respite from the girls.

By the time he joined us, we were getting ready for arcade. He had some work to settle, so I brought the girls out on my own. We had so much fun, and I reallzed how different yet alike both girls were. They both loved the arcade but loved vastly different games. Sasha preferred the time management games, whilst Ellie loved the sports ones. Both exhibited good sportsmanship but were both terrible at leaving when they had to and almost had a meltdown until I had to threaten a time out.

We went back home a couple of hours later, and both girls were exhausted. They slept on the ride home, and we made it back just in time for dinner. Sister Nan had whipped up a feast as usual, and both girls were starving. Mile was done with work by then, and he helped Sister Nan with shower time for the girls whilst I got a shower and got ready for work. I had some early appointments, so I couldn't stay for dinner. I kissed the girls goodbye and just looked at Mile, grasping his hand discreetly and then headed off to work.

Given a choice, I would want to kiss him goodbye too, but I don't think the girls will take to it kindly. I was busy at work when I received a call from Mile around 1am. I was alarmed as it was unlike him to call when I was at work.

"Is everything ok? What happened?"

"I need you to wrap up your appointment and come home if possible. Sister Nan had a heart attack, and she has been rushed to the hospital. The girls are fast asleep and not aware, but I can't leave them alone. But if u can't come, then it's ok. I will wake them up."

"I will be home in 10 minutes."

I rushed home as soon as I could, and I may have flown. I got there in exactly 7 minutes. Though he had sounded calm on the phone, Mile's teary red rimmed eyes had given it away. I told him to go on first and check on Sister Nan and update me. I knew how important Sister Nan was, not only to him but to all of us.

I couldn't sleep, kept pacing up and down the whole night, and couldn't wait to get an update. Finally, at the crack of dawn, Mile texted me, saying that she had a minor heart attack but was out of the woods. She was due to stay in the hospital for at least a week, though, for observation and monitoring, but first things first, she was very much alive.

Around 9 a.m., both girls woke up. I got them ready before sitting them down, and I filled them in on what had happened. Ellie took it so hard and broke down so badly. Sasha held onto her tightly, trying to comfort her. I cancelled all of my work appointments and brought them to the hospital with a change of clothes for Mile, too.

Once we reached the hospital, we went straight to the private ward Sister Nan was in. Mile saw us and almost burst into tears. He held it back as Ellie was in bad shape herself. He comforted Ellie tightly whilst Sasha held onto them. I watched as Ellie finally broke away from Mile's hold and went to sit with Sister Nan, who was sleeping.

Mile stood up when he saw me but just nodded. I really so desperately wanted to just hold on and comfort him. I walked towards him and just stopped short of 2 steps, querying softly if he was ok. He nodded, holding back his tears. Just then, Sasha tugged at my arm. I looked down at her.

"Daddy, don't be silly. Can't you hold onto Uncle and just comfort him? He needs a hug, too."

I looked at Sasha, stunned, and just nodded my head. I looked over at Mile and just opened my arms, and he scrambled right into my arms, finally breaking down. I held onto him tightly, murmuring sweet nothings. I kissed the side of his head, completely not caring for the moment. This man needed me as much as anyone else, even if he didn't want to admit to it.

I felt 2 pairs of arms around me and looked down to see Sasha and Ellie holding onto me, too. Mile and I opened our arms to include them in the hug. It was heartwarming to be able to hug family like that.

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