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I looked up at Man, who came to bed once he had showered. He had brought along a set of his clothes as none of mine would fit comfortably.

He slipped into bed and turned towards me, slinging his arms around me. I just cheekily grinned as I leaned in closer, about to kiss him when my door suddenly opened and a 7 year old bounded in!

"Ellie! What are you doing here? Are you ok baby?!" I was half stunned by seeing her in my room suddenly. It was unlike her not to knock and come in, and she was crying.

"Ellie, what happened?" Man instantly took his hands off me and took her instead. She sobbed as she said something was wrong with Sasha. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran towards the room whilst Man grabbed Ellie and followed behind. I ran to Sasha who was convulsing. She looked like she was in some form of attack/state.

I looked at Man who passed Ellie to me and took over, asking me to call the ambulance. He gently turned Sasha to the side and made her lie on her side. He  held onto her hand and kept looking at his watch the entire time. Suddenly, Sasha stopped convulsing. She opened her eyes but looked spaced out. She tried to sit up but she ended up throwing up all over the floor.

Sister Nan came running in with the paramedics who took over smoothly. Man just told me he will meet us at the hospital and followed the ambulance. I nodded and held onto Ellie who was stunned and frightened to death.

We got to the hospital and saw Man pacing up and down. I held onto his hand and he just looked at me grimly but didn't say anything. About 40 minutes later, we finally got an update. Sasha had an epileptic fit. The doctor asked Man if she had gone through this before and he said only once when she was around 1 year old.

The doctor nodded and said she was out of the woods now but will be warded for further observation. Man nodded. The doctor told us to give about an hour before they could see her as they were still finding a bed for her in the wards. He nodded and sunk into a chair once the doctor left.

"Are you ok?"

Man nodded, death silent. "She will be ok. We will all keep an eye on her."

Man just looked at me and that's when he finally burst into tears. He started sobbing badly and it took all of me not to cry along with him. I held onto his hand tightly as Ellie came and wrapped her arms around Man.

"I'm here for you uncle. Sasha will be fine. Believe me."

Man nodded, holding onto Ellie tightly as he cried. Sister Nan and I were completely stricken and stood there in silence finding ourselves stumped over how to console him. I decided to make myself useful and went to settle Sasha's medical registration and told them to move her into a private ward if it was faster.

Within 20 minutes she was settled and we all trooped up to see her. Poor baby had wires stuck to her and was sedated, sleeping. Man just sat by her, holding her hand, refusing to let go. No one left the room that night. Ellie ended up sleeping on the couch in the room with Sister Nan holding her whilst I sat on the opposite side and held onto Sasha's other hand. We faithfully kept her company till dawn when she finally stirred awake.

She woke up and called for Man.

"How do you feel, Princess? I'm here for you. Don't worry." Man uttered.

"I feel....tired papa.."

"It's ok baby. Sleep more. I'm here for you. We all are, okays?"

Sasha nodded and drifted off to sleep again. I told Sister Nan to bring Ellie home. She agreed though Ellie was completely reluctant to leave Sasha. Man beckoned her over.

"She will be fine, baby. But if you don't go home and rest, Sasha will be upset. You know how she can be so strict about such things. She even nags at me. You don't want that, do you?"

Ellie nodded tearfully.

"She will be fine. She is okays. She will be home soon. You did a good job by calling us quickly. Go home and rest."

"Will you come back too? With Sasha?"

I grimaced inwardly. I saw what was Ellie's worry. She worried that Man and Sasha wouldn't come back to our home again. That was running through my head too. Just that, my 7 year old expressed it, albeit tearfully.

Man looked at her and then me. He then turned back to her, muttering "Of course baby. We will be home soon. You should go home and make sure the room is ready for Sasha. Okays?"

Ellie cheered up considerably and nodded. She tugged at Sister Nan who wiped her own tears away and they went home. Man turned to look at me and all I did then was, burst into tears finally.

I couldn't help it. I was so worried that maybe Man felt like he didn't want to be with us given all these and he wanted to move away. And I realized I didn't  want him to, at all.

I felt his arms around me as I cried harder. He kissed the side of my head and just whispered, "Once she is better, let's head home, OK?"

I nodded, heaving slightly. Man just kissed me again and sat down next to me with me holding Sasha's hand and he holding onto mine, like a family we were.

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