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Sometimes, I feel that God gives us happiness only to test us much later. Months had passed, and we had settled into a routine. Plus, being with Mile did wonders for me and Sasha. I had someone I could look forward to other than Sasha and talk about adult things. Mile was a consistent partner who just loved us to bits and the sex. Oh, the sex was mindblowingly good.

Sasha had a sister and best friend in Ellie, and Sister Nan was our token auntie to me and grandma to the girls. I really thought nothing could ruin it. But I spoke too soon, too soon too happily.

I still recall. It was the school holidays, and I was at home, just doing up some planning for work ahead. Mile and Sasha were busy playing in the hall, and Ellie was working with Sister Nan in her room on a puzzle. Just then, the doorbell rang. I went to open the door and was stunned to see Calvin of all people, with a woman next to him.

"What are you doing here?!" I couldn't help but snarl.

"I'm here to see my daughter. Sasha, where are you dear?"

I stared stupefied at Calvin.

"Are you nuts? Did you just call for Sasha? You chose to give her up, not wanting her. What is this about then?!"

Calvin fell silent, and then the woman next to him spoke.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. I'm Prim; Calvin's wife. We were hoping to see Sasha and maybe also ask if it will be ok for us to adopt Sasha officially as our child."

If there was a symbol for stupidity, it would be Calvin. Make that Calvin and his wife. Before I could retort anything, I heard a soft but firm "No.".

I didn't have to turn to know it was Mile. Mile walked up to us with Sasha in tow.

"Sasha dear, why don't you go into the room. Let us adults speak." I was hopping mad at Prim, who chose to insert herself into the conversation and issuing orders to my kid. But bless Mile. He held onto her hand firmly and said, "My daughter stays here. We have not hidden things from her, so I don't see why she has to be excluded from the convo. And she's not your kid. So back off."

"What do you two think you are doing? This is our child. Mile's and mine. Who the heck do you think you are! Fuck off!" I had completely lost it, oblivious I had scolded him a bad word in front of my child.

"We just want to give Sasha a good life. A proper family unit. Calvin regrets what he has done and wants to make amends."

I stared incredulously at Calvin. Then I looked at Prim, and it hit me.

"You can't get pregnant, can you? So you want my child instead."

Prim stared at me, gobsmacked. She tried to splutter out some retort in indignation, but she fell short.

"Our girl is not your replacement. She has a proper family unit here. She's loved dearly by 2 dads, a grandma, and a sister. One who would not hesitate to punch you if she knew what was happening. And I'm not gonna stop that. Are you two leaving, or should I call the cops?" Mile spoke, softly but firmly. He wasn't wrong. Ellie was the family's firecracker, bless that child.

Calvin tried to retort that it was his child too, and that's when I lost it. I went to get the documents from the room where I had kept, of Calvin disowning his child legally and Mile and me adopting Sasha officially. Sasha had known of us adopting her, but she never knew that Calvin had disowned her. I had kept that faithfully from her, but today. Thanks to this asshole, everything was coming out in the open.

There was this deadly silence for a bit before I finally heard this tiny voice. Tiny but firm.

"Go away papa. Go away. I always kept you in my heart despite you not wanting me because I thought one day you will want me as a child too. But even now, you are just being selfish. I have 2 dads, and I'm happy. And I don't want you anymore. Just like you don't want me, I don't want you anymore."

With that, Sasha left the room, going back to her room. I looked at her pained. Mile told me to go after her. I nodded and left only to hear Mile pushing them out and shutting the door on Calvin and Prim!

I entered the room where Sasha was sobbing softly in Sister Nan's arms with Ellie comforting her.


She looked up at me. She ran to me, crying that she was sorry that I had to go through so much because of her. I just hugged her tightly, shushing her.

"Don't be silly baby. You are my love. I would do anything for you. This is nothing. Are you ok?"

Sasha nodded, hugging me tightly. I kissed her, holding her firmly. My poor baby. Just then, I felt another pair of arms around us. I felt Mile's familiar scent as he enveloped us. He planted soft kisses on me and Sasha.

And 2 minutes later, I was joined by my other daughter Ellie who just reaffirmed that she and Mile will always be there for us. What more could I want?

Light Up My Lyf [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now