Chapter One

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2013 - School Life

It was a boring Wednesday and Mr. Locke had us all writing about how we all felt towards the future and how the changing world would eventually affect us. I sat in my seat and stared at the whiteboard as Mr. Locke sat at his desk, staring at his laptop screen whilst waiting for us to all complete our work.

However, I didn't write anything. Not even the date. I was preoccupied by him - the guy who was going to turn up any minute now. I wish I could just think of something else and not be bothered about him coming here. But it wasn't that simple.

I tried to distract my brain from my thoughts and go back to what I was supposed to be thinking about. The world. Oh how it is changing and getting messed up from climate change. I wanted to make a change one day and to help inspire others to think about the world too, just like Mr. Locke. But did he really care? Something about him always made me wonder if he believed in what he taught us, sometimes he rushed a topic and sometimes he would drag it out and set homework about it.

Then he walked in. Finn Carter. The golden boy who just seemed to know everything. I watched as he smiled over to Mr Locke and then walked towards his desk. They had a quick chat before they both began to walk around to see who may need help.

I tried to look away so I wasn't obvious, but I could barely remove my eyes from him. When I did, I glanced around the class room to see I was not the only one watching him. Cassidy Turner and Laney Holmes were giggling to each other as they flashed their flirty eyes at him. I looked back at Finn to see him smirking as he looked at them, he liked their attention.

Finn Carter was annoyingly handsome and popular. But he wasn't the popular boy like most you read or hear about. He was smart and kind, always helping others when they needed it and always treated the school staff with respect. He was loved by everyone. That's what made it so much harder. He wasn't the cute guy who everyone liked but was failing miserably at school and I wasn't the smart girl who wasn't noticed and aced all of my classes and tutored guys like him. It was all so out of place. Mr Locke was desperate to get me to accept tutoring from them.

Finn was in the other class and always finished early to help our class finish off any work we hadn't completed. Jenny Hammond also would help as she was top in their class too, but today it was just him.

"Girls, are we doing our work?" Mr. Locke asked as he glanced up at Laney and Cassidy. They stopped gossiping and looked back down at their work, but Cassidy's eyes flickered back up to Finn. She was pretty. Like really pretty. She had brunette hair that looked so soft and shiny, as if it wasn't real and hazel coloured eyes which I always thought was quite unique. I only knew the colour of her eyes because we had to do a science project together a few months ago and for the first time I realised her eyes weren't brown, they had green in them too. Cassidy was lucky, she had long legs and a smile that always won the boys over, the total opposite of me.

I wasn't short. But I wasn't tall either. I was 5'6 in height and I was a little more curvy than most girls. Although my parents always tried to tell me that I should embrace my curves, I always wished I was petite and cute. I remember I always begged my Mum to add highlights to my hair, I am already blonde but I wanted another blonde to break up the colour and make it look fresh. She finally gave in and I was so happy, even though I used to wish I had dark hair, I was grateful that I had the colour I was finally comfortable with.

"Do you need help?" I snapped out of my thoughts as his voice sent a shiver down my spine. I slowly looked up at him to meet his face a couple of inches from mine. I froze as I did not imagine him ever being this close to me. All the time I wish I had been this close, I suddenly wanted to move and get away from him before he could hear my heart beat.

"I'm okay." I whispered as I looked away from him. I tried to think of something else and steady my breathing. I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn and immediately felt like I needed to get out. I quickly stood up and grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder and grabbed all of my books, balancing them in my arms. I didn't give myself time to hear what Mr. Locke had said as I walked out of the door and rushed down the corridor. What an idiot. I just walked out, in front of the whole class. Will they know why? That I am an uncontrollable mess when he's around? God, let a giant black hole form beneath me now and swallow me up whole.

"Hey.." I heard his voice call out. No way. He did not follow me. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"What?" I snapped in confusion as I looked at him. He reached up and swept his dark hair out of his face. He softly smiled and looked down at the books still balancing in my arms.

"You ran out of class, after I asked if you needed help?" He said slowly as his eyes looked back up at me. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing was coming out. Could this be anymore humiliating?

"It's okay, we all struggle.."

"I wasn't struggling." I said and he nodded as he looked away. "I just had other things on my mind." I stopped as I didn't dare let the words escape my mouth. If only he knew it was him that was distracting me from my work. Is that psychotic?

"You didn't write anything down, I assumed you didn't know what you were doing." He answered carefully and I shook my head. I began to frown as he looked at me.

"We aren't all dumb, we may not be in the top classes or getting the best marks in mock tests. But, that doesn't make us thick or in need of help." I hated myself for this. Because I was wrong. I do need help, I need emotional help and I need help in certain classes.

"Sorry.." He stood back. "I've clearly offended you, which wasn't intended. I'll leave you alone." He said as he turned around and headed back to Mr. Locke's classroom. I waited for him to disappear and felt my stomach immediately ache, I didn't feel upset, I felt angry. This was not how I imagined our first proper conversation to be. And now, I've ruined any sort of chances in ever getting to know Finn properly.

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