What is she, a prize?

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After our date, if you would call it a that, I decided to go back to work to explain to Lana about Finn's offer. At first she was slightly disappointed because she'd have to find someone to cover my shifts but then she was happy that I was finally going to be with him. We would finally have time together. But for me, it wasn't that simple, I felt confused and unsure whether this would be the right thing.

"Hey.." Dana said as I had text her and Sara about what Finn had asked me. They both said they would meet me here, Sara still hadn't showed up.

"Hi.." I said as she sat next to me. The cafe was closed but Lana sometimes would keep it open if I needed a chat or needed some company. She knew today was one of those days and I needed her as well as my friends.

"I can't believe he asked you to join him." Dana said as she got herself comfortable on her seat. Lana had poured us both a coke with a slice of lemon and slid it across to us. "Thanks."

"I don't know what to do." I frowned as I thought about how well it had gone when we met earlier today. I quickly took a sip of my drink and thanked Lana.

"I'm here!" Sara said as she quickly walked through the door. She turned around and turned the lock on it and made her way towards us. "Can't believe you're going on tour!!" She said excitedly and I looked at her and sighed. "What?"

"She doesn't know if she is going to go." Lana said as she now made Sara a drink. Sara sighed as she sat the other side of me and placed her bag down on the floor.

"You have to go!" Sara said and I softly shook my head.

"Do I?" I raised my eyebrows as I turned to look at her. I soon looked away as Sara began to explain about how this would be the perfect opportunity to get close with Finn again and to reconnect.

"Remember, you have been sad for months about his guy. Yes you love him, yes you missed him, but is that enough?" Lana asked as she stood in front of me and crossed her arms. I slowly nodded as I accepted very word she had just said, Sara however did not.

"Of course it is! They are in love, they belong together!" Sara preached but I didn't react as I let her words sink inside my head.

"I'm not so sure." Dana said and I slowly turned to look at her. "I do believe you belong together, but having this time apart has surely dissolved the love a little, am I wrong?" She asked and I looked away as her words took a sharp dive towards my heart.

"You're not wrong." I mumbled as I thought about it. Finn left me and decided to do something for himself which was fine, but I was not supposed to wait around for him to pick me back up again. That didn't seem fair.

"You are wrong." Sara snapped. "I've known Finn and Emmy to be in love for years! They built so much together, made all their memories! That should not be tossed aside!" Sara added with frustration.

"Why are you so involved?" Lana asked as she fixed her eyes on Sara. I turned to look at Sara as she frowned and scoffed something under her breath. "I think you need to remember that this is about your best friend, not you."

"Obviously! How would this even be about me?!" Sara answered harshly as she shot a unpleasant look towards Lana.

"I just think you're very good at pursuading Emaline and not always good at thinking what's best for her and how she's really feeling." Lana snapped and looked at me. "Because for me, I can say I am someone who cares for you and wants what is best. I don't think going with Finn is best. You'll just be wrapped in his world, and at first it will be amazing and you'll feel completely wrapped up in his world. But then, your reality will sink in. You'll have to leave him to come home at some point." She stopped as I engaged myself fully in her words. "That's when you will drop from that high and come crashing straight down to earth, more heartache, more hurt that you just don't deserve."

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