Jett Matthews

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A few weeks passed since the party and I had a slight fall out with Sara. I say slight because I would still talk to her whenever she passed me but she was definitely keeping her distance and went everywhere with Cassidy.

However, things were changing and it wasn't all good or all bad. The good was I was involved with Jett. The car ride home, which was a complete blur, was the start of something new. Jett had put me to bed, explained to Mum that I was supposed to be staying at Sara's but there was a party and I wanted to leave. Although my Mum went crazy and got angry, she was also appreciative that Jett was there to get me home safely.

My Mum was surprised when he carried me to my room, tucked me in and made sure I was sleeping on my side. I knew this because Mum checked on me after he left. In a way I'm sort of relieved that I was fast asleep and dead to the world during their first encounter.

The bad was I felt like I lost my best friend. I missed having her turn up at my house and just stroll into my room as if it was her own. I missed her opinions on our school day and giving me a full verdict of certain situations. Although Jett was messaging me and he was older - which was a bonus! I never have felt so alone.

"Are you coming to tutoring?" I looked up from my sketching book as I decided to draw something from mind. Not much came of it though. Finn looked at me with a stern face.

"No, sorry." I answered as I began to take my bag and shove my book inside.

"That's the second one you've missed. You're not going to pass your exams if you keep skipping tutoring." He sighed and I just rolled my eyes. I still loved his presence and liked the idea of how close he was to me and even asking me to go to tutoring. But I had someone else on my mind too.

"Why does it matter?" I said as I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder. He frowned and softly shook his head.

"Because you won't get a grade. It will affect your potential-"

"These are mock exams that other schools are not doing. Therefore, neither am I." I answered and he shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. He went to speak but stopped as a car pulled up beside us, we both looked over to see Jett sat in the driving seat with the window down.

"Need a lift?" He smirked as he patted the empty passenger seat next to him. I smiled to him before quickly looking at Finn.

"See ya." I said as I darted towards the car and quickly jumped inside.

"Tutoring?" Jett guessed and I nodded. "You know, I could tutor you?" He offered and shrugged.

"Really?" I laughed as I thought he was joking. He kept a straight face and nodded. "Sounds like a plan." I answered and quickly put my belt on. He smiled before looking away and began to drive off.

The next few days were the same. Jett picked me up from school and often came back to mine to actually help me study. It was crazy with how much knowledge he had stored in his brain, I know it will soon disappear from me. But today was not the same. Jett turned up but I didn't go with him, instead Sara had asked to come home with me to talk. So that's what we did.

For the first time ever, it felt weird seeing her sat on the end of my bed. She wasn't lounging lazily like she usually would, she was sat at the end of my bed with her feet firmly on the floor and her hands on her lap.

"I don't want to continue this anymore." She said as I sat opposite her on one of my large cushion type chairs.

"Continue what?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't play dumb Em. This whole 'we aren't going to hang out or talk anymore' situation. It's tiring" She sighed and looked down at her hands in her lap.

"Well, you chose to do this. You've just been with Cassidy-"

"And you've purposely stayed away!" She raised her voice in defence. I looked away as she did too.

"I don't want to be part of your group. I'm happy to be on my own."

"I don't want you to be on your own." She answered with a softer tone. "I want us to do this, be here.. like we used to."

"Then do it." I answered simply.  I slowly looked at her and she gently raised her head and her eyes met mine. "Believe it or not, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." She smiled but she still looked a little reserved and unsure. "I feel like I don't know what's been going on with you."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I could slowly feel the tension fade.

"Well, Jett Matthews?" She giggled but stopped as she sat back a little. She was beginning to get comfortable again.

"What about him?" I answered playfully and she laughed. "He's such a nice guy."

"Is he?" She asked with her eyebrows raised and a smile on her face. "Tell me all about him."


Things were getting better with our friendship. Sara and I made sure that every Friday we would meet and have time together, including our traditional sleep over and watching films. It felt nice to just chill out without worrying about what to say or how we look. It was like we were us again. And today, our Friday was perfect.

We spent the evening watching musicals, such as Grease and High school musical. Very different films to each other but still all about the high school life, popular kids versus the unpopular kids. The popular guy falling for the not so popular girl. It made me think of Finn. Even though he's clever and nothing like Danny Zuko or Troy Bolton, he's still very much popular, like them. But then I am nothing like Sandy or Gabriella, both of them are pretty smart and completely gorgeous.

"I didn't like Sandy's voice." Sara said as she munched on a handful of maltesers.

"Why?" I asked as I perched myself up on my bed to see her. She was sat in my window seal, staring outside.

"I don't know.. I just prefer it when she doesn't sing." Sara said and then shrugged. "Gabriella is good."

"I think Sandy was better. Her voice was unique" I said as I watched her shake her head. "Plus her voice suited the time the film was made."

"I guess.." Sara shrugged and sighed. "Right, face masks." She said as she jumped up and grabbed a couple of masks from my desk. "Detox or relaxation?" She asked as she held both up to me.

"Uh, detox." I answered and she tossed it my way. I smiled as this was the best part of the week, us getting back together and doing what we used to.

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