I wouldn't hurt you.

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I haven't seen Sara for a week and it was starting to feel as if she had completely moved on from me. I wanted to see her and tell how sorry I was over and over again. But she didn't answer my calls or messages, she just gave me total silent treatment that I deserved.

I knew they were all meeting tonight as it was Sara's house party - Her parents had gone to stay with her Dad's family in Italy. I was originally invited and was going to stay at hers for the weekend but I guess now I was uninvited. It felt horrible.

I tried to keep myself busy and not to get wrapped up in thinking of what they were doing. I scrolled endlessly through news articles, tried to find a book to read and even contemplated of trying bake a cake. But I realised I didn't actually have the ingredients to bake a cake and have also never baked before, except from when I was younger and baked with my Mum. As I wandered into the kitchen to pointlessly look for another snack, there was a loud knock at the front door. I sighed to myself as I made my way towards the door as another loud knock made me jump.

"I'm coming!" I snapped angrily as I reached forward and opened the door. I was suddenly taken back as Sara stood there with a stern look on her face - the last person I had expected.

"Are you coming?" She asked as she feld her arms together. "You were supposed to be at mine and hour ago!" She added but I couldn't help but frown at her. What was this?

"You didn't answer any of my calls or texts.. I assumed you didn't want me there." I explained and she rolled her eyes and over emphasized her sigh.

"I didn't want to talk. I was angry at you. But we've been planning this for weeks, you're not getting out of it that easily." She snapped and then slightly opened the door further to step inside. I watched her as she headed straight upstairs towards my room. I closed the door and quickly followed her up. "You will probably want to wear something nice. Finn is going to be there."

"What?" I snapped and she looked at me.

"Well with your history and him ending things with Olivia.." She stopped as I looked away. "He ended it the other day and has now sold his ticket to one of the other guys Cassidy knows." She added and I had to turn away. This was messed up. I was still hurting from her ignoring me and now she's here telling me all of this. It didn't feel right.

"I'm not going to yours to impress anyone." I said and she sat down on my bed. "I want to go there and have fun, but that's not going to happen. Not when you've been ignoring me." I added and she looked away. I knew she felt bad as she avoided looking at me. "So maybe you should continue without me."

"Don't be so negative!" She raised her voice and stood up. "I was angry at you! I was allowed to be angry but now I'm here. I'm accepting the fact you lied and that our friendship needs to be sorted." She said in a matter of fact tone. I looked at her and slowly nodded although I still felt wary.

"You never gave me a chance to talk to you but now you're here, you expect me to just get over it. Right?" I asked and Sara rolled her eyes. "Because that's what you do."

"And so do you." She snapped harshly. "That's what we do. But if you want to continue this argument then fine."

"I don't. I wanted this resolved days ago!" I raised my voice but quickly stopped. We both fell silent. "Aren't you supposed to be setting your party up?" I asked quietly without looking at her.

"Yep. Finn is meant to be helping me soon so I need to hurry up."

"Why is Finn helping?"

"He offered. And he also asked if you'll be there." Her words would usually cause me to feel excited, but not this time. "So we need to hurry up."

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