To reliving memories

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"Sorry I'm late!!" I ran towards the counter and quickly darted behind it and slumped my bag down.

"It's fine, go and put your stuff in your locker." Lana said as continued to serve customers. I quickly did as instructed and then grabbed my apron and tied it around my waist. "Are you okay?" She asked as she glanced over at me.

"Yeah, I got held behind after class." I explained and Lana nodded. "I actually quit." I said and suddenly Lana stopped what she was doing. She turned to face me as I began to clear the counter.

"What!?" She slammed as she kept her eyes firmly on me. I looked at her and softly shrugged as she shook her head. "Why? Why would you do that?!" She asked with frustration.

"Because I can't keep doing it! I can't keep up, I can't focus!" I snapped as deep down I felt anger towards myself and how I knew everyone around me would feel so disappointed when they found out.

"Oh Emmy." Lana sighed as she finished serving her customer and then began to walk towards me. "What are you going to do now?" She asked sympathetically.

"Well.." I sighed as I stopped what I was doing and looked at her. "I guess I'll just work here." It sounded simple, but right now it was the only thing I knew I could do.

"You're better than this place." She sighed but I just shrugged and began to walk around to the tables, collecting empty plates and cups.

A couple of weeks passed and I was living a much simpler and slow life. I no longer had the fast paced and rush of getting to class on time or fitting studies around working. Now, I am focused on going to work and trying to figure out what my next step would be.

Sara was out of town as she had a family funeral to attend and decided to try and figure out some family history. Her aunt was a lovely lady who didn't live near us, she had a small cottage in a very little village that did not consist of many people. I went there a couple of times with Sara and we would spend hours following the streams and ending up at the village bakery and shop. It was a beautiful and simple place that was beyond describable. And now, her small cottage was empty as she lived alone. No husband or children, just her own company. She did always say she loved Sara visiting her and spending a couple of nights there, she knew Sara loved it too.

"Oh my god." Dana cheered as she was keeping me company at work. It was a slow shift, not many students or customers were around today. So it was good Dana decided to come and sit with me, even if I did have to supply free cake and drinks.

"What is it?" I asked as lazily leaned forward on the counter. Lana wasn't in until this afternoon as she had a hospital appointment. So luckily, it was quiet for me to cope all by myself.

"Horizon." Dana said as she held her phone up. "They're here!" She beamed and then suddenly she froze still and looked at me as my heart felt as if it stopped. A sharp ache pierced my chest as I watched her. "Em.."

"He can't be here.." I mumbled as I took a step back. Dana quickly jumped up from her seat and went to the door. I watched as she opened it and leaned out, scanning the area.

"There's a lot of people over at the college building. By the entrance." She said and then stepped back inside and closed the door. "I mean this is Finn's home town, he came here.." She added and I just swallowed nervously as I felt the butterflies spring to life inside me.

"Lock the door.." I panicked but Dana frowned and shook her head. A few customers looked at me as if they thought I was crazy. "I'm really sorry but we have to close." I said as I looked at them and they began to grab their things.

"No! Don't do that!" Dana said and I looked at her. "I'm here with you, this is a weird situation but closing just makes it easier to keep hiding away. You need to be seen, you need to continue living." She rushed as she quickly looked at the customers and told them that it was a misunderstanding. I looked away from her, and headed back behind the counter.

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