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CW: It's murderous angry daddy Sebastian. So like. You know. Death and gore. Casually.

This is a bonus chapter for Heir of Sallow.

Also, go do me a favor and check out Crepuscu1um's work. She did a one-shot of Sebastian and Tessa and it's amazing, as is her own fic called "A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows" - Mind the trigger and content warnings - Beware the boot - :) 

Sebastian Sallow

He wasn't a good man. He knew that. Accepted it. Accepted it back in fifth year when Solomon's lifeless body was splayed out in front of him and Tessa had stood across from him. A look of understanding and acceptance in her gaze as he'd dropped his wand in relief that the bastard was gone forever.

He might not have been a good man, but he took pride in being a good husband and a good father. In order to be both of those, he had to stay out of Azkaban. Which was the only reason the slimy woman in front of him was in one piece.

"Mr. Sallow, you're scaring the students-"

"I HAVEN'T EVEN BLOODY BEGUN TO BE SCARY!" Sebastian roared, his fists clenched at his sides. He had to keep them there, he could envision himself ripping the vile woman in front of him apart. "SHE'S BEEN MISSING FOR OVER A DAY AND I AM JUST NOW FINDING OUT ABOUT IT?"

"Mr. Sallow-"

"Weasley, if she says another fucking word, you will be out a professor," he snarled.

He couldn't stop shaking. It was more of a vibration, and he felt it everywhere. Muscles, bones, skin, even his blood seemed to be sputtering in his veins. It was like Toby all over again, but somehow worse. Because she was missing. There was no way to know if she was dead or alive. And it was taking everything in him to not put his hands on the witch who was trying to look down her nose at him. A wand would be too quick. Too good for her.

Weasley spoke. "Professor Snape, please see to it that all the students are sent home early for a longer winter break, starting tomorrow. Inform the parents – "


"- Inform the parents that all students will be sent home, and arrangements will need to be made." Weasley continued as if he hadn't spoken, before turning to actually address him. "Where is Tessa, Sebastian?"

Sebastian's lip curled into a sneer. The actual question was when was Tessa going to calm him down. The answer was, she wouldn't be. Sebastian had been the safer option to come, and as much as it was hurting Tessa to stay home, they both knew that her ancient magic would already have a storm brewing, ripping the school to pieces. Being at the house, she was in more control, if only because she didn't want the house to fall down. Her regard for the school was not at the top of her list, or his for that matter.

"At home, hoping we're not mourning the loss of another child," he spat.

Weasley flinched and sighed. "Sebastian, you can't blame us, do you not remember how often you and Tessa snuck around and out of this school?"

"I do remember, and Black was in charge. I thought we'd have nothing to worry about in terms of competence with you in charge." He hissed. The pulse In his temple throbbed. Just a bit more, then he could go outside and begin searching for her, and tearing everything in his wake apart.

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