1913, Unraveled

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Lark stood near the bloody corpse of his dearest friend. His hands shook as he opened the gory paper.

Hello Mr Lark Ranhbniz,

As you can see, I have murdered your friend, Gale, for he had betrayed our family. I couldn't believe how easily he just gave the town YOUR name, when it should've been ours. He was a coward, who gave no damn about his family's name. And so was he not worthy of being a father. Now, the name of the town is set, and I can do nothing to change it, so I made him pay the price.
This is an ultimatum, since the name can no longer be changed, so you, Lark Ranhbniz, bring your family with you, and leave MY town, so I, even more, my family can get what we deserved — the town's ownership. But if you are here, everyone will elect you as the leader, and my family would become no one. So, by dawn, I don't want to see a single Ranhbniz inside MY town, and if I did, I would kill them all. And I believe, you won't want to see your son's body, you'd better get out.
Oh, and that includes your heir. If a single person with the surname of Ranhbniz is inside the town, my heir will slaughter them. And don't try to tell anyone about this, or your son, which I have in hostile, will suffer a fate worse than death.

Owner of the town, Jay Wisconsin

Lark held the piece of paper, shaking. He had no choice but to leave what he had built brick by brick.


At dawn of the second morning, Lark took all their belongings, and metJay near the fountain at the center of the town.
In Jay's arms was a weak boy, fainted and weak, Jay had a gun held at his head. Then, he threw the boy to Lark.
"Go," He said, "get the hell out of my town, don't ever let me see you again." He pointed his gun at the boy.
"Heartless, disgusting, cruel inhumane monster!" Lark held his son tight and yelled at Jay, "One day, my heir will return to Ranhbniz, and he will end your bloodline, and return peace and justice to this town. That is a promise."
He looked at the town one last time, and walked away.

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