He Asked Me Out!

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Jessica's POV

It had been two weeks since Danny had arrived on the set of Coven I couldn't take my eyes off him he was gorgeous but there was no way he had any interest in me.

I woke up by a loud knocking noise on he door my trailer I looked and checked the time on my clock 8:15 SHIT!! I quickly dashed out of bed and grabbed my black silk robe and tied it around me I flung open the door.
"I'm so sorry..." Jessica quickly stopped her sentence when she realised the man at her door was Danny not Ryan oh shit I thought.
"Hey" he spoke with his husky voice,
"Hey" I smiled at him.
"Did Ryan send you around here I know I'm late I must of over slept,im sorry, it's just I went to bed late last night you know how you do"
"Yes" I replied with I cute smile on my face.
"There's no need to stress around shootings been cancelled for today"
No need to stress around what was he on about I looked around and realised I was dashing around in my trailer tidying my bed as quick as I could.
"Oh" I blushed, "how come"
"Ryan said we have been working our asses of for the past couple of weeks and we needed a break"
"Oh that's so sweet of him" I smile at him and he smiles back I try not to faint as I lean against the door frame of my trailer.

Danny's POV

She is gorgeous the way she leaned against the door frame showing her bare leg through the slip in her robe oh my gosh she is beautiful! Danny do it I thought to myself if you don't do it now you might not get another opportunity. shut up Danny your thinking to hard.
"Are you ok? Jessica asked breaking the silence.
"Yeah I'm fine the reason I called around her is umm.." she cocked her head to the side waiting to see what I had to say.
"Umm... would you like to go out for dinner later on I mean if your not doing anything."
"Oh Danny I would love to" she smiled As my heart melted.
"I'll pick you up at 8?"
"It's a date see you later" I walked of the steps of her trailer as she shut the door I had done it!

Jessica's POV

Oh my gosh did that just happen I collapsed on to my bed letting out I slight giggle Sarah I need to tell Sarah!

I reached in my purse for my phone on the counter top I quickly dialled her number.

"What is it love"
"You'll never guess what just happened to me..."
I told her every detail how I blushed how he blushed she found it so sweet I was so excited she invited herself over to come and help me with my makeup and hair I agreed and I felt amazing! I couldn't believe it he asked me out!!

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