So Good

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"I love you" Jessica whispered into Danny's ear while still being pressed up against the wall.
"I love you too... So so much baby" he whispered in her ear casually reaching down to grasp her ass and squeezing it causing slight moans from Jessica.
"Jessica" Danny dragged out by biting her neck Jessica still lost in pleasure.
"Mmmm what Danny"
"I want you" moving his fingers which managed to get inside Jessica's lace underwear making her grab his shoulders tightly and rubbing herself up and down making sure she gets full pleasure of what Danny was giving her.
"Harder... do it harder Danny" she moaned getting close to what she couldn't wait to reach her orgasm.
"ohhhh... FUCK" Jessica flung forward leaning into Danny, breathing heavy into his neck.
Danny flung a out of breath Jessica over his shoulder and carried her up to the room to continue there night of passion.
Danny slowly lay Jessica down onto and slowly started kissing down her neck
"hurry the fuck up Danny!! I need it now!!"
Danny's slid into Jessica unknown to her he was even ready
"oh SHIT jess"
"oh harder, HARDER DANNY" Danny pounds into Jessica as she screams
"Oh... FUCK Jess" Danny pulls out and releases himself all over Jessica's stomach
"wow" Jessica whispers, putting her face in the crook of his neck
"That was so good" Danny laughs into her neck , sweat dripping down both of there faces.
"oh i love you" Jessica giggles with Danny,
"Round two?" Danny questions
ok guys this is so bad but i'm gonna start updating my stories more so let me know in the comments what you want to happen in this story💖

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