The Date

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Jessica's POV
"So what were you thinking of wearing" Sarah questioned me
"Well I want to where something nice, something classy"
"Something that will make his jaw drop and want to fuck you already" I blushed

Danny's POV

What was I going to where oh my god I have finally got the courage to ask her out and I don't even know what to fucking where. I scrambled around my wardrobe until I found what I had been looking for a casual shirt black pants and I picked out the perfect shoes I quickly realised that my house was like 5 minutes away from Jessica's and stared at the clock as it read 7:40 I walked to the mirror and messed around with my hair until I got it perfect.
"Danny you look mighty fine she won't be able to resist you" I winked at myself trying to imagine how beautiful she would look.

Jessica's POV

"Your done Jessica" Sarah spun me around on the chair as she held up the mirror she had straightened my hair with light curls at the front as they delicately hung on my shoulder. My makeup however I was speechless.
"You Sarah are a miracle worker"
"I know, i know" we both giggled
"Shit! Look at the time" it read 7:45
"You better get your dress on Jess"
I quickly ran to the bed where Sarah has laid out a black dress that clung showing of my ass and that hung just below my knee with a gap up the leg showing of my legs.
"I better get going" Sarah shouted
"Ok thanks for everything"
"Don't mention it have fun"
"I will" I put on a pair of flesh coloured tights, the dress, my black 3inch heels and I quick dashed into the bathroom as I ran the red lipstick across my lips.


OH SHIT , I started to get butterflies after I realised he was right at the door. Jessica pull yourself together you look great as said looking in the mirror. I dashed down the stairs and opened the door.
"He...y wow you look amazing!"
"Thank you" I blushed
"You don't look to bad yourself"I said biting my bottom lip as he gave me a flirtatious smile.
"These are for you" he handed me a bouquet of gorgeous red roses
"There gorgeous" I leaned forward and kissed his cheek , he blushed
"My Mr Huston I didn't have you down as the blushing type"
"Well you know when standing in front as a woman as beautiful as you what els do you expect me to do?"
"I know a lot of things you can do I whispered to myself."
"Did you say something"
"No, no, I need to grab my purse do you want to come in?" I stepped back as he smiled at me and stepped in.
"You have a lovely house Jessica"
"Well thank you"
"It's my pleasure"
"I'll be back in a minute" I ran into the kitchen and scrambled around trying to find my purse.

Danny's POV

Tell her Danny it's worth a shot if you don't tell her maybe you can just stay friends.
"Got it" she skipped back in.
"Jessica can I tell you something before we go" I asked nervous on what I was going to say.
"Sure anything"
"Well I'm just going to make this clear before we go out I have had the biggest crush on you ever since I laid eyes on you." She stood there silent but staring at me.
"It's ok if you don't feel the same way it's just uh..." Before I knew it she had leaned in to kiss me oh god it was amazing....

Jessica POV

I couldn't help it he was just so cute and he had admitted he likes me I had to do it. Once our lips separated he spoke
"Wow so I'm guessing hopefully you feel the same way" he said holding my back with his hands as he did circles all the way up to my bra strap.
"Of course I do I mean the first time I met you I couldn't take my eyes off of you "
"Really"before I knew it he had moved in for another kiss this time it was better.

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