The Damn Sun

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The shined through Jessica's cream silk curtains and directly on her face as she squinted and tried to turn over it was no use as she looked to her right she saw Danny peacefully sleeping with no sun in his face *the lucky bastard* she thought but she still loved him even if he got no sun in his face at 6am in the morning. As memories ran through her head of the previous night she smiled to herself retracing every little detail. As Jessica got lost in the moment she started tracing the top of her finger tip along Danny's jawline and kiss his neck. "Mmm" he moaned as he opened his eyes "hi" she smiled "hey" he said "I hope you don't mind it's just that the sun was in my face and I couldn't sleep sorry to wake you" she said with her eyes squinting."it's ok I don't mind" he chuckled "even tho it is 6am so are you awake now or is there no possible way you could go back to sleep?" He asked "no I could it's just the damn sun" he chuckled to himself as he lightly put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in to his chest. "Better?" He asked "better" she whispered and fell asleep before they had to get up for work later on to film the first scenes of AHS FreakShow and both of them didn't even know how to tell anyone about them but Jessica tells herself * you'll cross that bridge when you come to it*

I know this story is shit but I need more ideas for the next few chapter if anyone is willing to help it would be greatly appreciated thanks x

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