The Cigar

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"What do you mean, it wasn't yours" Jessica asks confused
"She had a affair Jess" Danny said taking another puff of his cigar, tears welling in his eyes

"Why didn't you tell me Danny?"
"You made it clear you were done with me there was no way i could apologise for what i said, plus after how good you've been doing i didn't want to come between that"

"Why are you still with her, after she lied?"
"I haven't got time to be messing around Jess i'm old, i'm fat no one else would want me" he chucked

"you broke my heart Daniel"
"I know, there are no words for how sorry i am Jess i just hope we can be friends, yknow be there for each other?"

"Yes i'd like that, can i?" she asked suggesting to his cigar
"i didn't know you smoked these?"
"i don't, there's a first time for everything i guess" she chucked taking the thin cigar out of his hand

"mmmm" she moaned seductively blowing the smoke slowly out of her mouth
"That's good shit" she laughed handing him the cigar back Danny still in awe of her sexual tactics
"You going to go back in there" he nodded towards the arena where the premier was taking place

"I'll have to eventually, not yet thought" she smiled up at him
"Last puff?" he offered
"Why the fuck not" she took the cigar once more

"mmmm" she moaned again as she blew the smoke towards Danny flashing him a gorgeous smile throwing the cigar
"My god" he moaned grabbing and pushing Jessica against the brick wall

"Your doing it on purpose Jessica"
"Hmm maybe i am" she smiled
"Danny, baby" Olga called

"That's your cue" she whispered in his ear leaving him hard as he waddled off as Jessica cackled behind him.

i'm really trying to update as much as i can but i'm really busy with school lately so hopefully more updates will follow


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