The Premier

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i apologise if the dates don't match up i'm basically trying to make this now if this makes sense while Jessica is filming feud and it's been around a year since he's left.


Jessica was nervous, she hated premiers mainly the people who turned up nevertheless she had to do this for Ryan she worked so hard for this part and to make it the best it can be she has to turn up. She checked her watch her makeup artist and hair stylist would turn up in a half hour giving her a good 20 minutes for a shower. The past year had been tough on Jessica allowing her to move on from Danny and realise she didn't need men in her life to be happy,
"Thank god" she sighed leaning into the hot water, she spent many nights crying over the man she missed he had changed so much that day and Jessica never knew why, he's a father now something i couldn't give him.

Jessica not having any social media doesn't know what gender or how the baby is doing she just hopes Danny's happy, changing her mind back to Feud it truly was something extraordinary she had worked so hard to play the part of Joan as good as she can hoping Danny would watch knowing what he was missing, stop it she thought you don't need him your a happy single woman who needs no man whatsoever, she smiled to herself thinking how long she could keep this hidden she truly misses Danny's company but after not receiving any texts or emails whatsoever she had given up. Maybe she was a little harsh, no you wasn't Jessica you did the right think let him be happy with Olga she laughed stepping out of the shower
"Olga" she laughed to herself as a loud bang at the door caused her to jump, here it goes she breathed
"hopefully time will fly and i can come home early babies" she says stroking Jack and Pine as she makes her way down to the door.

"Miss Lange" The driver took her hand as she stepped out of the Black SUV her outfit included a low cut maroon dress up to her knees showing a generous view of her large cleavage, with her black Louboutin's giving her that extra height, and her shoulder length straight blonde hair. The way she looked had men falling at her feet but Jessica chose to ignore them, she was here for Ryan, where is he she thought as she scanned the red carped
"ah ha" she laughed as she strolled over to him being met with a familiar face she didn't expect to see tonight
"Jessica you remember Danny" her heart stopped as the man she used to love was stood with another woman
"Jessica" he laughed unlinking his arm from Olga's and lifting her hand up to kiss
"no no no no" she thought snatching her hand away from Danny making her way behind the building pulling out a cigarette to heal her stress
"how dare he, she thought turning up to MY premier with his barbie doll and he expects me to be all happy for him, fuck off" she laughs taking a large drag of the cigarette
"mind if i join you" Danny's deep voice startles Jessica causing her to yelp and drop her purse on the floor
"oh i am sorry" he laughs picking the Louis Vuitton purse of the floor and handing it back to her and pulling out a cigar
"do you urm have a light?" he asks looking deeply into her eyes as he shields his cigar from the wind as Jessica lent in to light it for him giving him a large view of her breasts causing him to let out a chuckle as Jessica realises what he was staring at
"You haven't changed at all Daniel, so how is that baby of yours?" Jessica takes a large drag of her cigarette
"about that" Danny says looking down at the floor leaving Jessica with tears welling in her eyes, he lied to her there was no baby she knew it! She would have heard about it of Ryan or someone at work but no there was no talk about it. Jessica takes one last drag and throws the cigarette on the floor and flattens it down with her shoe as she walks away from Danny, but it was too late he grabbed her arm and pulled her back
"Listen" he says taking a drag from the cigar
"she lost the baby Jessica" Jessica instantly felt bad about what she had thought
"oh i am sorry Danny, i didn't know"
"Don't worry it's wasn't mine" Danny chuckles taking another puff of his cigar leaving Jessica's mind to wander.

ty again to shelbymillerr xoxo
i think ill probably write one more tonight but i hope you are all enjoying it so far!!
So did Danny lie about the baby after all?!


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