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"Danny" Jessica lightly kicked him under the quilt, Danny still made no movement
"Danny" she nudged him again, nothing.
"Dannyyy" Jessica said rolling her eyes at the fact he wouldn't wake up.
She closed her eyes to try and get back to sleep when she heard slight laughing and looked over to Danny.
"You bastard" she laughed as Danny couldn't stop laughing
"Dannyyy" he mimicked
"Shut up you ass and get up we have to go out tonight and I need to go shopping so if you don't get your ass out of bed you won't get laid for a week" Jessica smiled and walked out the room.
"Shit, she means it" Danny quickly gets dressed and follows


"See baby it works like this" Danny said sarcastically, trying to show Jessica how to work the dishwasher.
"No, see if you bend down like this and look at the button, here you see?" Jessica said still bent down
"Mmhmm" Danny mumbled his eyes fixated on Jessica's ass the whole time she was talking
"Danny are you even listening" she turned around to see him staring at her behind.
"Unbelievable" she laughed
"Danny" she said trying to get him out of his daydream.
"Oh hey" he laughed
"Found something to look at, Mr?"
"Hell yeah" he said grabbing Jessica and throwing her over his shoulder
"Danny! Danny!! Let me down now!"
"No can do, Miss, you getting punished for waking me up this morning and thinking you know how to work the dishwasher and getting me distracted by your amazing, amazing ass" he said slapping lightly
"Danny, I need to get ready soon" she laughed as she was being carried up the staircase
"It's 4:15 now we've had breakfast done our shopping and now I'm going to make amazing love to you which will take approximately 45 minutes so you will be getting ready by 5 which gives you 2 hours until we have to leave"
"God your a geek" she said mocking him
"Only for you babe" he slapped her ass again and through her on the bed.


"Danny" Jessica shouted
"Yup" Danny appeared at the doorway of their bedroom
"I just can't do my zip.." She said trying to pull it up
"Could you" she said shooting him a sympathetic look
"Sure" he said walking over and kissing her shoulder blades and zipping her dress up.
"Do I look ok?" She said looking at herself in the mirror pinching her stomach
"Do I look fat?" Jessica looked at Danny who was sat a the side of the bed, Jessica walked over to him and sat on his knee
"Baby you look gorgeous I couldn't picture anyone to be more beautiful that you"
"Really" she smiled "your not just saying that?"
"Of course I mean if you the most gorgeous woman I have even met and to have you mine that just makes it a whole lot better"
"Mmmmm, does it now" she said wrapping her arms around him neck
"Mmm it does and I can't wait to tell everyone tonight that your all mine" he said smiling at her
"Awhh your so cute" she said pinching his cheeks
"Jessie stop" he laughed
"Awhh your so cute" she laughed
"Come on get everything you need and let's go and get drunk" he laughed


"JESSIE!!" Sarah shouted
"SARAH!!" Jessica shouted back as Sarah walked over with a tequila in her hand
"Danny" Sarah smiled moving her eyebrows up and down at Jessica
"Pack it in" Jessica rolled her eyes.
Soon enough the rest of the  girl came and took Jessica away from Danny.
"DAN THE MANN!" Evan shouted slapping Danny on the back
"Hey Evan" Danny smiled slightly thinking he had loss of hearing in one ear
"Come on we're all over here" Evan lead Danny to where Jessica and the rest of the cast was sat, Danny was sat next to Jessica as Lily had moved to go and sit next to Gabourey.
"Guys!" Jessica shouted absolutely drunk, everyone suddenly looked straight at her
"Well I have some news well we have some news" she said lacing her hands with Danny's. Jessica looked over to see Sarah's mouth had dropped
"Me and Danny are dating, and he's moved in" Jessica smiled up and Danny who lightly kissed Jessica on the lips.
"WHATTT!! I KNEWW IT I FUCKINNG KNEW IT!" Sarah slurred while shouting which causes everyone to laugh.
"Congratulations" Ryan smiled and missed Jessica on the lips and shook Danny's hand.
"Thankyou" they both said

After many congratulations both Danny and Jessica were drunk out of their minds and decided to get a taxi home

"Come on" Jessica smiled at Danny who was paying the taxi driver. Jessica was trying to open the front door but with her being drunk she couldn't see what she was doing, and with the sexual tension building up between her and Danny if the door didn't open she would probably get banged on the door
"I can't fucking open the god damn door"
"Here let me try" Danny said not moving his hand of Jessica's ass and opened the door first time
"Smart arse" she smiled
"Your smart arse" he laughed kicking the door shut and slamming his lips onto Jessica's and pinning her up against the wall.
"Mmm, Danny" she moaned as his hands found their way into her underwear, she wrapped her legs around his waist as her carried her upstairs.
"You.. Better.. Hurry" Jessica said placing kisses down his neck
"Believe me Jessica this is going to be one to remember" he smirked
So sorry for the poor chapter but if you want to see what happens next it will be m rated but let me know if you want to me write that or if you want me to just carry on with the chapters! Don't forget to let me know what you think!❤️❤️

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