Didnt Mean Anything (But it Did)

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Jessica woke up to a empty space besides her she knew that whatever happened didn't mean anything and he just left suddenly she heard a voice that made her smile
"Baby breakfast is ready" she was so happy he stayed. she grabbed her white silk robe and dashed down the stairs she ran into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around Danny's waist as he was cooking French toast and strawberrys and said "Mmm that's smells good" "I know baby take a seat and I'll bring it over" "ok" she grabbed his wrist and turned him so he was looking at her and she said "thank you, thank you for all of this" "it's only what you deserve baby and I'll make sure you get it all" he said leaning in and placing a small kiss on her lips as she walked over and sat down at the table. "There you go baby" Danny said placing the breakfast in front of her "God that looks amazing" she complemented the breakfast as he replied "I know you do" she playfully smacked his arm as they both laughed. "You know you are so beautiful Jessica" "I am not" she replied "yes you are and you need to be told that everyday and I will if you'll let me because Jessie I love you" "I love you too Danny" after a while longer of chatting Jessica found herself lost in the moment and she started rubbing her foot against Danny's ancle. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Jessie" "And whys that Danny" she gave him a cheeky smile. "Because you'll make me do this" Danny stood up took Jessica by the hand and flipped her over his shoulder "Danny, Danny stop" she giggled as he laughed at her.

When they reached the top of the stairs Danny with still Jessica flung over his shoulder kicking her legs about and laughing arrived in the bedroom and plopped Jessica down on the bed "I did warn you" Danny chuckled he bent down and untied her robe and flung it across the room

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