Pool Table

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All the way through the premier Jessica sent flirty glances towards Danny, sadly Olga caught on trying to make the most of it touching and kissing Danny whenever she likes just to piss Jessica off, but it didn't get to her she knew what Olga was up to but what would she do next.

Jessica was escorted to her table where they would be dining after the premier, noticing that Danny and Olga were seated opposite from her
"Fucking great" she whispered knowing how Olga's going to be all over Danny just to piss Jessica off, Jessica huffed and sat down smiling as Ryan took his place next to her.

Jessica and Ryan were mid conversation about there projects and more upcoming to notice Danny and Olga taking there seats
"Hiiiii Jessica" Olga screeched making Jessica's ears bleed, rolling her eyes she turned around on her chair.
"Hello" Jessica smiled and carried on with her conversation leaving them both to engage with the other guests and get off her back, at least for a while anyway.

"Martini please, filthy" the bartender who looked about mid 40s gorgeous eyes, gave Jessica a wink, making her take a seat and stare at the handsome man in front of her, she may not be going home alone tonight, not if she could help it, she giggles to herself as the bartender gave her the drink as Jessica slipped him a card with her 2nd number on she didn't mind giving this out as it wasn't her personal number so she wouldn't be afraid if the press got a hold of it, the bartender chuckled and gave her another wink disappearing to another customer leaving Jessica and her martini to themselves
"You've always had a way with men haven't you" a deep voice plunged into her ear causing her to jump and spill her martini all down her chest
"For fucks sake Danny, why do you have to scare me like that!!" She spinned around on her chair not realising how wet her breasts were making her dress entirely see through, which made Danny's eyes go wide not moving from her breasts
"Danny, Dannnny!!" Jessica yelled as he zoned out mid conversation
"Sorry Jess just think you've had abit of a " he moves his hands around like a fool to hint her
"Shit!!" She cursed as she realised
"I'll help" Danny smiled
"You would" as she walked out the area with Danny at her heals
"Maybe they have a function room or something" Danny suggested walking around finding a elevator they both got in with a large mirror they both stared into seeing them both together in such a long time, putting them both in a trance as the elevator chimed
"Come on" Jessica frowned seeing her stained dress before her
"Found one!!" Danny yelled
"Danny keep your voice down! We're not suppose to be up here"
"Sorry Jessie" Jessica stopped dead in her tracks no one had called her that in forever it was only Danny who said that, he always used to say it whenever he was in trouble knowing it made Jessica weak
"Are you ok? I found a room" Danny asked concerned
"Fine fine" Jessica dismissed with her hands trying to hide her feelings
"Ok take me too it" Danny took Jessica by the hand leading her through the endless corridors before they entered a large room with a couch and a large pool table surrounded by a large television.
"What exactly are we even trying to do" Danny asked
"I have no fucking clue" the both sat on the large couch
"Right ok may I have permission to touch your tits Jess" Jessica cackled as Danny looked entirely serious
"Try your best but there's nothing we can do" Danny moved his hands to cup her breasts making Jessica let out a small moan leaving Danny raising his eyebrows
"Got it" Danny beamed
"Take your dress off"
"Excuse me" Jessica gave him a stern look
"Just do it Jess"
"But there's no where for me to change"
"It's not like I've not seen it before just do it"
"Can I at least have your shirt"
"Fine" Jessica strips down to her undergarments which Danny was not expecting to see her in thigh high stockings and high heels, thinking of her in that way made Danny harder then ever, remembering to give her his shirt, he carefully unbuttons it revealing his new toned chest, Jessica was not expecting to see, knowing Danny had always been abit of a pudding which Jessica loved but she had to admit seeing him like this gave her them unfamiliar feeling again, making her bite her lip softly,she slowly walked backwards hopping onto the pool table, knowing how this was one of Danny's adored sports along with Football. Picking up a cue
"How about a game?"
"Ok, but please put this on" Danny passed her the shirt as her soaked bra was nothing but a turn on for Danny she unbuttoned the first 5 buttons still giving Danny that view of her bra he was trying to hide from. Jessica hopped back onto the pool table as Danny strolled over gripping onto the pool tables sides as hard has he could to distract himself from Jessica
"Fuck" he cursed as he saw his finger beginning to bleed
"Come here" Jessica called as he walked in between her spread legs so she could take a better look at it
"Just a slight cut, we have nothing to cover it thought so your going to have to suck it to stop the bleeding" Jessica smirked
"Suck it? Surely not, there is no way I'm doing..." Danny was silenced by Jessica putting his index finger into her mouth as he felt her tongue inside the warmth of her mouth as Jessica pulled it out with a 'Pop' placing a small kiss over the top of the cut
"See all bet..." Danny's lips slammed onto Jessica's which she had been waiting for, he pushed her back onto the large pool table beneath her
"Your so fucking sexy... holy shit" Danny moaned as Jessica gripped his muscles with her long nails, Jessica gyrated her self against Danny's bulge that had been there since they entered the room. Danny's face was buried In the crook of her neck kissing down her tits, as he pulled the lace bra off with his teeth, forgetting Jessica's inner strength she pushed Danny back straddling his legs "you know if we're going to fuck of here, its going to kill our backs"
"Jessie no please don't"
"Don't what" she teased
"Make me wait" he grumbled
"I was suggesting we move to the couch that's all" she kissed down his neck nipping it and biting it as she went down. Both having slot of alcohol there hard love session didn't take long for them both to be left breathless on the couch entirely naked
"I don't know how I've gone so long without doing that" Danny whispered into Jessica's ear
"Mmmm I missed you" Jessica whispered biting the side of Danny's earlobe as they then united in another heated kiss
"Jessie baby"
"Im just gonna see if we can find a toilet around here as I'm dying for a piss"
"Okay" Jessica laughed as Danny stood up Jessica smacked his arse with the back of her hand
"Hurry up"
"Okay ok" Danny tried to get into his clothes as fast as he could but ended up tripping and falling setting Jessica off in a fit of giggles
"Your going to regret laughing" Danny pointed
"Oooo" Jessica laughed as Danny left
"Oh there's a toilet in here and a shower, we could live here all we need is a bed" Danny laughed as he used the toilet
"Danny" Jessica shouted
"Yeah" he yelled
"What time is is?"
"I have no clue, do you have your phone?"
"No I left it downstairs if it's in the lift I may have dropped it by accident"
"Ok I'll check the lift may have a clock anyways"

Jessica lay on the large couch smiling to herself, this is what she'd missed, him. Stupid Olga causing all this shit and lying we could have been married by now but anyways I guess it's life. While Jessica was thinking it had been way over 5 minutes and she hasn't heard anything from Danny until she heard him shouting
"SHIT SHIT SHIT" Jessica wrapped the thin material around her body and ran out and saw Danny with his head in his hands
"What's up baby" she knelt down
"You have no phone on you what so ever?"
"No, why Danny what's going on, we can just get changed and go back down if you like"
"We can't" Danny sighed
"What do you mean?"
"The lifts broke, there doing reconstruction this floor is out of bounds"
"So were stuck"
"With no phones"
"Yes" Danny sighed
"I remember seeing a sign, Ryan mentioned something about construction but he said it's happening on the 2nd"
"That's tomorrow"
"Ooo, so I'm locked on a entire floor with Daniel Huston, what will we do with the time" Jessica straddled him, attempting to cheer him up and it did just the thing
"You up for the pool table" She giggled as he picked her up
"Always" he laughed as they slammed the door behind them, Jessica's laugh radiating the building

So, I didn't know how I was going to write this so I just went along with anything, I hope y'all like it but I'm really stuck where to go next so ideas will be appreciated, ps thankyou to americanbeautyxo who reminded me to update this I hope you enjoy it Xxx


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