Telling Everyone

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A couple of weeks have past and Danny and Jessica have kept their relationship under the radar but now Danny wanted to tell everyone and wasn't sure how Jessica would react so he kinda just said it.

"Heya baby" Danny said as he walked into his and jessica's house that used to be just Jessica's but she had asked him to move in a  couple of days before so he was just coming back with some stuff from his flat.
"Hey Hun" Jessica smiled as she walked over to him from the kitchen.
"Something smells nice" Danny beamed knowing she had made something.
"Yeah I cooked something a little special but it's a surprise and you'll have to wait"
"You just love torturing me don't you" Danny laughed as Jessica giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Danny stared into her eyes and said,
"You don't have a clue how much I love you"
"Oh I think I do as I love you a lot more"
"Not possible babe" Danny smiled.

A couple of hours had passed and they were currently gossiping while eating there tea.
"Jessie theirs something I've been meaning to talk with you about"
Jessica swallowed hard thinking the worst and Danny saw her eyes fill up with tears
"No, baby no" Danny said as he grabbed Jessica's hand across the table
"I would never leave you" Jessica smiled at him as he said "I was wondering when we were gonna tell people about us babe"
"You do?"
"Yeah, I was just scared incase of how you would react"
"I wanna tell everyone" Jessica said walking over to straddle Danny
"Mmm Jessie baby the things that you do to me"

Yeah I know this is shit it was rushed just letting you all know I will keep updating this regularly from now on ~Anna

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