I Need You

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Jessica's POV

As we reached the top of the stairs he carefully put me down.
"Are you sure you want to do this I mean it's fine if you don't it's just I don't want to ruin anything if having sex on the first date...."
"Shh, I'm sure , i need you"
Before I knew it his hands were around my waist as he backed me to the wall and started kissing all the way down my neck.
He said in between placing a trail of kisses down my neck.
"It's the one on the right"
"Alrighty then" he lifted me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck and crossed my feet behind his back. He swung open the door as she walked into the room.
"I need you Danny" I said as kissed his neck.
"I need you to Jessie" he flung me down on the bed as he crawled on top of me as he took the zip of my dress in his mouth as he pulled it all the way
"Mmhn stop teasing me Danny!"
"As you wish" he pulled the dress off so I was bare in my underwear I reached down for his zipper and pulled his pants down so his was bare in his boxers. as I unbuttoned his shirt I placed small,sweet kisses along his chest.
"Oh Jess I can't take it much longer" he removed my panties and my bra as he kissed down to my breast and took one into his mouth.
"Mm that's nice" I moaned.
He removed his mouth from my breast as I whispered
"Fuck me Danny" he slowly but carefully slid in to me as our body fit perfectly together.
"...Fuck..harder" Danny slammed harder in to me.
"Shit Jess your so good"I stared carefully into his eyes prepared for what I was going to say and fully mean it.
"I love you"
"I love you too" I felt like a weight has been lifted he really felt the same way and I hoped this was going to last.

Danny's POV

As she wiggled and nudged trying to get closer to me as she slept I closely studied her and he body how can a woman be so beautiful I thought. As I twirled my fingers in a strand of her blonde hair as I pushed it behind her ear. Not long after we had finished out little "exercise" she collapsed as we both fell asleep my hand around her waist and her hand on my chest I was madly in love with this woman no matter what way you look at it.

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