The Sleepless Night

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The soft, downy mattress beneath Mei's body seemed to envelop her with warmth and comfort. Yet, despite the luxuriousness of her new bed compared to the small cot she had in the servant quarters, sleep evaded her. She could feel her mind racing, churning with thoughts that refused to be silenced. Tossing and turning, she tried to find a comfortable position, but each time she closed her eyes, they would snap open again. The moonlight streaming through her window cast eerie shadows on the walls, adding to her restlessness. How she longed for the peace and simplicity of dreamless sleep. I wonder how Xiaolin is doing without me. I hope she's staying out of trouble and eating well. Hopefully Master Jinshi will allow me to visit her soon. Urgh.. he probably won't until I pass these stupid exams. She sighed as she stared into the diamond night sky. I can't sleep, maybe a night walk will clear my head. If I stay on Jinshi's grounds, it should be safe to have a quick wander. She said to herself as she slid out of bed and tied her shoes up.
The air was bitter but not cold enough to send chills to her bones. She walked out of the resident building and across a small courtyard between the two buildings, she now recognises the office building as the one in which Jinshi and Gaoshun had first brought her to when she stopped that horse from trampling Jinshi. Though it had only been a day, it already felt like it was in a different lifetime. That one act has now completely changed her life, whether it's for the better or for worse was yet to be determined.
She wandered through the opulent grounds of Jinshi's residence, her steps guided by the faint glow of moonlight. The pale beams cast a mystical aura over the small gardens, transforming them into enchanted wonderlands. Vibrant flowers and exotic plants reached towards the sky, basking in the ethereal light.
She continued walking when a flicker of candle light caught her eye coming from the office building. Master Jinshi can't still be up, can he? She considered heading over to check on him but thought it would be strange considering the time. I can't just show up, he would think that's suspicious. She thought about turning back and heading back to her room but there was that strange feeling which she hadn't had before, she started to recognise it as a strange pull leading her to where he was. She sighed to herself, before heading to the kitchen to make some tea to take to him.
Knock knock.
"Master Jinshi, you in there?" She asked from behind the door to his office, holding a tray of warm honey tea. She listened out for his voice but there was no response but a sudden thump. Hearing it she quickly entered still carrying the tray only to see the nymph-like man rubbing his forehead. He must have fallen asleep while still working. Jinshi hadn't noticed her standing in the doorway until she finally spoke up.
"Sorry sir, I didn't mean to wake you."
Her voice startling him, "Mei! What are you doing here?"
"Sorry sir, I did knock.."
"Yes, but why?"
"Because it's rude to enter a room without knocking first.."
"Yes... I know, that's not what I meant." He huffed. Even during at night she still had that abrupt tone to her voice.
"I saw the candle light from outside, so I thought I'd bring you some tea." She said placing the tray down on a small table. "I'm sorry to disturb you, I'll leave you be.." she said bowing and turning to the door.
"Wait!" He called to her, making her turn back to him.
"Thank you for the tea, but I must ask, what are you doing out of bed at this time?" He asked.
"Oh I couldn't sleep, thought a walk might clear my head."
"Is something troubling you?"
"No sir, some nights sleep evades me that's all."

Jinshi studied Mei's face, illuminated softly by the dim candlelight. There was a vulnerability in her eyes that he had rarely seen before, a rawness that tugged at something deep within him. He gestured for her to sit down in one of the chairs across from his desk.
"Join me. I assume there is enough for two cups." He said, Mei nodding to confirm.
"I only brought one cup though sir,"
"That's no problem, I still have my cup from earlier. I will use this." He said picking up the cup from his desk as he raised from his seat to pour tea for the both of them. Mei hesitantly moved across the room to take the cup of tea from Jinshi's hand. A smirk played across his lips as he slightly grazed her fingers when he handed her the cup, sending another chill down her back. "Sit down Mei." He instructed, she proceeded to sit on the sofa in his office and he made his way back behind his desk.
"Thank you sir, I would have been happy to pour the tea for you."
"It's no bother." He said, waiting for Mei to take the first sip, which she did before he proceeded to drink the tea himself. Hmm, I bet he's going to start asking annoying questions about myself, urgh why didn't I just go back to bed. She huffed internally.
"Tell me a bit about yourself Mei?" Jinshi asked. Ooo shocker... what a surprising question. Seems even her internal monologue has a slight sarcastic tone to it.
"What would you like to know sir? I'm only a lowly servant girl, my life isn't that interesting."
"You can stop with the formalities Mei, it's late and Suiren and Gaoshun are not here to chastise us so, drop the sir."
Mei's eyes scanned him for several minutes trying to read him. Is this a trap? I'm going to drop the sir and then he will drop a blade on my neck?
"I mean it, you won't get in trouble. I hate all the formalities, so it'd be nice to take a break from them every once in a while, don't you agree?" He flashes that same mischievous sparkly look again. "Alright then, um... sir..." Mei hesitates before continuing, "What is it that you wanted to know about me?"
Jinshi's voice echoed in the quiet room, breaking the stillness. "Anything, do you read?"
Mei looked up and replied plainly, "Yes."
Jinshi was determined to get to know this new servant better, despite her cool demeanor. "What do you like to read?"
"Books," Mei answered simply.
"Well I gathered that," Jinshi chuckled. "But what type of books? Fiction, non-fiction, romance?"
"I'm a fan of all types of books," Mei said with a faint smile. Jinshi let out an exasperated sigh. He had hoped for more interesting answers rather than blunt one word comments.
"Do you have any hobbies? Something other than reading?" Mei paused before answering,
"My work at the palace never allowed me time for hobbies."
"I mean before you came here," Jinshi clarified.
"You mean before I was sold off by my father?" Mei arched an eyebrow in response.
"Yes," Jinshi confirmed.
"I suppose I had some interests," Mei admitted reluctantly.
"Such as?" Jinshi pressed further.
"Reading," Mei stated, causing Jinshi to face palm in frustration at her lack of depth or variety in activities. Noticing Jinshi's reaction, Mei lightly giggled to herself. The sound was like a small tinkling bell in the otherwise silent room.

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