The Duties of a Serving Girl

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"Oh you are an early riser, aren't you, that's good," Suiren said as Mei entered the kitchen. Until Mei had passed the court lady exam, she was to assist Suiren on her daily duties, first being, taking breakfast to Master Jinshi. "I'll make the congee while you get the young Master's tea ready." Suiren instructed as she proceeded to get the breakfast ready. Mei nodded in acknowledgment and quickly set to work preparing Jinshi's tea. As she carefully poured the fragrant brew into a delicate porcelain cup, she couldn't shake off the lingering thoughts of the previous evening. I know he said to drop the formalities, but I can't help but wonder if I crossed the line at any point. Well if I did... can't be helped now... it was his orders to speak honestly... But why is he so intent on knowing me. I'm only his servant, and now thinking about it... he never denied about having secrets himself or that I said he was lying about his age. So what is it that he is hiding? .... Eh, actually on second thought.... getting drawn in will only lead to trouble. She shrugged to herself.
With the trays of tea and congee in hand, Mei and Suiren made their way through the corridors of the residence towards Jinshi's chambers. The soft glow of dawn filtered through the windows, casting a warm light on the polished floors. "I'll enter first, the young master may not be fully dressed yet so try hard not to linger"
Mei nodded before following the older lady-in-waiting into the room. "Your breakfast, Master." Suiren said as she hurried through the room, placing the tray on a table near the eunuch, who had clearly only just woken up and hadn't made himself up for the day. His otherwise tousled hair was held back with a simple tie. It was a bit problematic, how lurid it looked... Gaoshun was in the room as well, quietly arranging some documents on a nearby table, barely sparing a glance at the new arrivals. Jinshi rubbed his eyes, his pink eyes, usually sharp and alluring, were hooded with sleep, giving them a soft, vulnerable look that Mei had never seen before as he tried to shake off the lingering remnants of sleep, before offering Suiren and Mei a grateful smile. Now I get why there are only two of them... The dude is like a bug in heat, some female bugs produce exotic scents to attract mates, with him a woman might be driven mad with lust by what Mei is currently seeing, and even a man might forget the boundaries of gender. If only I could bottle up his subtle aroma and turn it into incense, could probably sell it as an aphrodisiac. A few men and women might find their breath hitching at the sight. Jinshi's robe was slightly loosened, revealing more of his smooth, flawless skin than Mei had ever seen before. The fabric hung delicately off his shoulders, hinting at the well-built physique that lay beneath. The early morning light caught the subtle sheen of his skin, accentuating the curves and angles of his form in a way that was both mesmerizing and intoxicating. Mei felt her cheeks flush with heat, oh god, why is my cheeks heating up, is it because of Sparkles looking like that? Quick Look away! She ordered herself as she quickly averted her gaze, forcing herself to focus on the task at hand. Yes, she has now nicknamed this handsome Eunuch 'Sparkles' due to his glistening aura. She stood there in silence, feeling the weight of Jinshi's gaze on her even though he hadn't spoken a word.

"Thank you both," Jinshi said, his voice still rough with sleep as he eyed the breakfast spread before him. The warm aroma of the congee mingled with the fragrant scent of the tea, tempting his senses. Mei stood by silently, her gaze wandering around the room as she waited for any further instructions.
As Jinshi took a sip of his tea, the warm liquid soothing his still groggy mind, he couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Mei's demeanour. Her usual confidence seemed to waver slightly in the presence of his dishevelled appearance, a fact that both intrigued and amused him. Setting down the cup, Jinshi flashed a mischievous smile in Mei's direction, his eyes glinting with a playful light. Hmhmm got you Jinshi thought, believing his charm was finally working on the young serving girl.
"Enjoying the view, are we, Mei?" Jinshi teased, his voice laced with amusement as he gestured to his less-than-perfect state. Crap he caught me! Mei's cheeks flushed an endearing shade of pink at the unexpected comment, her eyes narrowing playfully as she shot back with a quick retort.
"Hardly, Master Jinshi. I was merely assessing the damage caused by your morning disarray," Mei replied, her tone light and teasing. Despite her attempt at nonchalance, Jinshi couldn't help but notice the way she fought to suppress a smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. Her quick wit and unabashed honesty never failed to catch him off guard, a refreshing change from the usual courtly flattery he received.
Chuckling softly, Jinshi leaned back in his seat, his eyes never leaving Mei's as he savoured the playful banter between them. There was something about the way she held herself—so poised, yet with a spark of mischief in her eyes—that captivated Jinshi in a way he couldn't explain.
"Well, a little disarray keeps things interesting, wouldn't you say?" Jinshi quipped, his tone light and teasing. He watched as Mei's facade cracked ever so slightly, a faint blush still lingering on her cheeks as she tried to maintain her composure. Hold it together Mei. She told herself, quickly composing herself and resorting to giving him her usual cold icy, blank stare.

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