The Precious Consort

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"Here is the next lot for you Mei, read through then mark them with Master Jinshi's crest before sending them out. They need to go out today." Gaoshun said while he passed Mei another pile of scrolls and paper for her to go through. It had been a couple of weeks since Mei tripped over by the training ground. Since then Mei had taken and passed her exams with flying colours. Truth be told... she found them to easy... seems Master Jinshi exaggerated on how hard the exams would be. Since then her daily tasks had a slight change, she would still help Suiren with the morning duties as she did before, but after lunch, should would assist Jinshi with the ever growing mountain of paperwork he had. Though at the moment it was menial basic stuff that was still being filtered through Gaushun. She pretty much had to read through documents, then sign with Jinshi's approval, before sending them out. It seems Sparkles over there has a lot of political power, I didn't think he would have such a big influence on so many things. Turns out Jinshi's job did stop at just managing the rear palace, but he also had a large influence within the politics that stretched across not only the rear palace but the outer court as well. So this dude a bigger deal than I thought. She thought as she looked up towards the Eunuch currently pouting at some request another higher-up had sent him. He's doing that childish thing with his face again, Mei rolled her eyes. After working more closely with him these past couple of weeks, she's started to get used to the more childlike ways Jinshi had, though it seemed to be only around his attendants he would let his more mature persona slip, Mei just tends to ignore it now. Just like his continued use of flirtation towards her, though now she doesn't allow herself to get flustered like she used to. She just returns his advances with sarcastic comments or gives him an icy cold blank stare. She thought he would have backed off a bit by now, but it seems he's liking the 'hard-to-get' attitude of hers and his advances can often get a bit much. Although she will admit, he hasn't crossed any inappropriate lines yet, but when he does something weird, it's sends a shiver down her spine and she cannot hide the face of disgust on her features. But again, he seems to be enjoying the challenge.

As Mei settled down at the table, sifting through the scrolls and papers with Jinshi's crest, she couldn't help but overhear a conversation between Gaoshun and Jinshi. It seemed like another important matter was brought up, one that required Jinshi's immediate attention. Mei observed Jinshi's expression change from his usual playful demeanor to a more serious one as he listened intently to Gaoshun's words.
After a moment of silent contemplation, Jinshi finally turned his gaze towards Mei. "Mei, would you accompany us to the rear palace? We've been requested by Concubine Gyokuyou" he asked, his voice soft yet commanding. Mei raised an eyebrow in surprise but obediently stood from her desk to ready herself to leave. Concubine Gyokuyou is one of the four high ranking Consorts, also known as the 'Precious Consort'. The other three are Lihua, known as the 'Wise Consort', another one of the Emperor's favourites, Ah-Duo as the 'Pure Consort', the longest-running consort of the Emperor as she was his only consort while he was still the Crowned Prince, and Lishu who is the youngest of the four high-ranking consorts, also known as the 'Virtuous Consort', she is barely into her teen years.
Lady Gyokyou is currently considered as the Emperor's favourite, if she were to bore the Emperor a son soon, it would be very likely to confirm her position and she would be made Empress.
The Emperor has had many children with other consorts, including one with Lady Ah-Dou but none has survived after a couple of months, a rumour has been going around that there is a curse on all the Emperor's children making them all pass away before they reach the age of one. The likelihood of it being a curse is low, one because they don't exist, and two a child's life is easily lost until the age of seven. The smallest cough could take the child's life.

As Mei, Jinshi, and Gaoshun arrived at the Jade Pavilion, they were greeted and escorted through by the head lady-in-waiting, Hongniang, who led them to the parlour, Mei noticed the exquisite decorations adorning the walls and the expensive furnishings that filled the pavilion. The scent of fragrant incense hung in the air, adding an air of mystique to the already opulent room.
Concubine Gyokuyou sat gracefully, her eyes sparkling with an ethereal beauty that captivated all who beheld her. Her elaborate robes shimmered in the soft candlelight, and her demeanour exuded an aura of authority and elegance.
"Master Jinshi, thank you for coming by so quickly" Gyokuyou said, her voice smooth and melodic. She gestured for Jinshi to take a seat across from her, though her gaze shifted from Jinshi to Mei, who now stood behind his seat, similarly to Gaoshun. The concubine's eyes lingered on Mei for a moment, curiosity gleaming within their depths. "And who might this be?" she inquired, her tone polite but tinged with a hint of intrigue.
"This is Mei-ling, she is my newest attendant, she has been assisting me with mainly administrative tasks recently, though following your letter earlier, I expect she may be of good use to us." Jinshi said with his usual smirk.
What he is on about? I have no idea what was in that letter, I don't even know why I am here, let alone how I can be of service. Mei's mind raced with confusion as she tried to decipher the unfolding situation, she stood there, silent and attentive, waiting for any clue on what it was she was there for.
Gyokuyou's gaze lingered a moment longer on Mei before she smiled warmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mei-ling. I heard the rumour that you had taken in a new serving girl, Master Jinshi, though I didn't expect her to be a court lady as well."
"Yes, I had her take the Court Lady exams not that long ago, as she proved quite early on that she had other skills that would have been wasted if she were to carry out basic serving duties." Jinshi said with a proud smile, glancing towards Mei, who tried her best to keep her expression neutral despite the unexpected praise. Gyokuyou's eyes sparkled with intrigue, and Mei could feel the weight of the concubine's gaze on her.
"Hmmm, I will look forward to seeing these skills in action then" Gyokuyou said. "Now on to the matter which I asked you here for." Her tone suddenly changed to a more serious one. "This is the needle my ladies found."  Gyokuyou said while her head lady-waiting proceeded to open a cloth with a long needle hidden inside, placing it and the cloth on the table in front of Jinshi.
"Hmmm..." Jinshi picked up the needle, still wrapped in the cloth delicately, examining it closely as his brow furrowed in concentration. Mei could see the cogs turning in his mind, his keen eyes assessing every detail of the mysterious object before him. Without looking up, Jinshi spoke softly, his voice filled with intrigue. "And its definitely been laced with poison?"
Gyokuyou nodded solemnly, "one of my ladies found it in the gown I was set to wear, she accidentally pricked herself with it and has now come down rather ill. We can only assume the needle was laced with a type of poison."
Mei's eyes widened in shock at the revelation. Someone had attempted to harm the Concubine Gyokuyou, and the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her shoulders. Despite her initial confusion about why she had been summoned, Mei now understood the seriousness of the matter at hand.
Jinshi's expression darkened as he continued to scrutinize the poisoned needle, a sense of determination flickering in his gaze. "This is a grave offense," he murmured, his voice laced with an undercurrent of steel. Mei could sense the shift in his demeanour, from his usual playful self to a focused and resolute official ready to unravel the mystery before them. "I'm going to  assume its due to your current condition that someone has targeted you."
"Yes, I believe so." Gyokuyou said. "The rumours have started to spread around the rear palace about my pregnancy. I expect that there are those who would go to great lengths to prevent this child from being born." Her hand delicately rested on her abdomen, a mixture of worry and protectiveness flickering in her eyes.
Concubine Gyokuyou leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Jinshi with a mix of apprehension and hope. "Master Jinshi, I implore you to investigate this matter with the utmost discretion and urgency. I fear for the safety of not only myself but also for the innocent life growing within me. This child could very well be the future of our land" Her voice quivered slightly, betraying the underlying fear she harboured for her unborn child's well-being.
Jinshi's jaw tightened as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. The safety of both Concubine Gyokuyou and her unborn child now rested in his hands. Mei could see the determination in Jinshi's eyes, a fierce glint that signalled his unwavering commitment to unravelling the mystery and bringing the culprit to justice.
"I will leave no stone unturned in this investigation," Jinshi declared, his voice resonating with authority. "Rest assured, Lady Gyokuyou, I will do everything in my power to ensure your safety and that of your child." Mei observed Jinshi closely, noting the shift in his demeanor from the carefree court official she had grown accustomed to. In this moment, he embodied a sense of responsibility and purpose that commanded respect.
Gyokuyou nodded gratefully, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I place my trust in you, Master Jinshi," she said, her voice filled with gratitude and sincerity. Mei could feel the weight of the concubine's trust settle on Jinshi's shoulders, a heavy burden that he carried with unwavering determination.
"Mei, I would like you to take a look at the needle for me. You mentioned before that you have had experience with some poisons. Could you tell me what type has been used?"
Mei stepped closer to the table, her eyes fixated on the poisoned needle. As she carefully examined the intricate design of the needle, her mind raced through her memories of poisons and their effects. Her fingers traced the delicate engravings on the metal, her brows furrowed in concentration as she tried to recall any similar instances from her past.
"What was the symptoms your Lady-in-waiting suffered from?" The room fell into a hushed silence as Mei's question lingered in the air, the weight of the situation pressing down on everyone present. Gyokuyou's expression turned grave as she recounted the symptoms, her voice laced with concern. "She experienced a rapid onset of dizziness and nausea, followed by weakness and a high fever. Her skin grew pale, and she complained of a burning sensation at the site of the prick." The concubine's worry was evident, her eyes flickering between Jinshi and Mei as she awaited their assessment.
After a moment of thoughtful silence, Mei spoke up, her voice firm and resolute. "This particular poison is not one I have encountered before, but based on its appearance and the symptoms exhibited by Lady Gyokuyou's lady-in-waiting, I suspect it might be a rare concoction known as Nightshade Venom."
Jinshi's eyes widened at Mei's revelation, a mix of surprise and admiration flashing across his features. His gaze lingered on Mei, a newfound sense of respect dawning in his eyes. "Nightshade Venom," he repeated thoughtfully, the weight of those words heavy in the air.
"Yes, it's derived from the belladonna plant," Mei stated confidently. "Known for causing dizziness, nausea, weakness, and fever. If left untreated it can lead to paralysis and even death." Mei paused, her gaze unwavering as she continued, "However, there is an antidote that can counteract the affects of the venom if administered promptly. Do we know what treatment the lady-in-waiting received?" Mei asked looking between Jinshi and the Consort.
"Looks like you have found a bright one, Master Jinshi." Gyokuyou smiled at Mei. "I'm surprised you were able to correctly deduce the type of poison just by looking at the residue left on the needle, seems Master Jinshi was right regarding your skills, Mei-ling."

Wait, they already knew the type of poison? Was this some type of test? She thought. Mei couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity mixed with a hint of suspicion at the realization that they might have been gauging her knowledge all along. She shot a quick icy glance at Jinshi, trying to discern any clues from his expression, but his face remained inscrutable, his eyes fixed on her with a newfound intensity. "My apologises, but I thought you wanted me to advise on the type of poison so the palace doctor could administer the correct antidote?" Mei asked.
"I wanted to check to the extent of your knowledge of poisons, seeing as you have a history with them. Yes, we already knew the type of poison used, and the lady-in-waiting has already been treated with the correct treatment and is already in recovery." Jinshi said with a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
So this was a stupid test. Mei's eyes narrowed slightly at Jinshi's revelation, a mix of irritation flickering in her gaze. Mei saw through the facade of Jinshi's playful amusement and felt a spark of annoyance ignite within her. She had been brought here under unknown pretences, her skills tested without her knowledge or consent. Yet, beneath the frustration simmered a sense of respect for Jinshi's cunning nature, a reminder that he was not just a charming court official but also a shrewd strategist capable of manipulating situations to his advantage.

Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Mei straightened her posture and met Jinshi's gaze with an unwavering stare. "I assume there is more to this test than just correctly naming the type of poison," she said evenly, her voice betraying none of the turmoil swirling within her.
Jinshi's smile widened at Mei's perceptiveness, his eyes gleaming with approval. "Indeed, Mei-ling," he replied, his tone tinged with a hint of admiration. "You will assist me in finding the culprit behind this poisoning incident."
"I do not understand how I could be of any help in that department sir?" Mei's question hung in the air, her eyes fixed on Jinshi with a mix of curiosity and scepticism. She was unsure of how her particular skills and knowledge could aid in uncovering the culprit behind the poisoning incident. Jinshi's smile remained enigmatic as he observed Mei's reaction. His eyes sparkled with a mixture of mischief and genuine respect for her intelligence.
"I trust you will uncover who the true culprit is, I will now retire." Lady Gyokuyou said as she stood, prompting Jinshi to stand as well as him, Mei and Gaoshun all bowed while Gyokuyou exited the parlour. As the door closed behind Lady Gyokuyou, Mei turned her attention back to Jinshi, her expression a blend of irritation and determination. She refused to be underestimated or treated as a mere pawn in Jinshi's games, even if he did possess an air of charm and intelligence that she begrudgingly admired.


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