The Journey

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"Sir, why am I not travelling in the servant carriage?" Mei asked as she was squished in the back of the carriage next to the rather large and muscular man. He had a young face, younger than Jinshi's, it was a face she slightly recognised as if she's seen it somewhere before but could not place where. Jinshi however was more comfortable, completely spread out on the other side of the carriage with plenty of space to spare.

"Because you are the only woman travelling." Jinshi replied, he wasn't wearing his usual purple robes but a rather dark black, with a golden trim version of his usual style.

"That doesn't explain why I am still travelling in your carriage sir?" Mei could feel the large young man next to her shift in his seat, she gave him a side-eye glare to keep still, but she was slightly taken aback to see him frowning like a child towards her.

"Can we at least open the curtains and let some air in? It's suffocating in here?" Mei huffed. The heat was unbearable, they had been travelling for at least half a day in a stuffy carriage, during the hottest time of the year, abide they have made a few rest stops, mainly to swap the horses out, but at each stop, Jinshi refused to step out and get some fresh air, as if he was confined to the carriage. 

"No" Jinshi huffed.
"But, sir, I think we can all use some air." Mei said as she moved to open the curtains when she suddenly felt some strong hands on her waist pulling her to back to her seat. "Hey! Get off me!"

"Listen to the Master and sit down!" The hands belonged to the young man as he slightly raised his irritated voice to her. "The master said no."

Damn what a kiss ass. Mei clicked her teeth as she glared at him, sitting back in her seat crossing her arms against her chest. "Sir, this is ridiculous, we will be dead from heat exhaustion before we even get there at this rate." Mei argued.

"Will you stop pestering the master and be quiet!"
"Geez what's your issue?" She snipped, but was left with only a grunt in response from the young man. Not sure whether it was the heat or his irritated attitude towards her, but he was really starting to get on her nerves.

"Seriously sir, who is this guy?" Mei asked in an abrupt tone, a finger pointing toward the man beside her.

"Mei, watch your tone and attitude!" Jinshi barked, slightly taking Mei by surprise with his sudden authoritative tone. "You are filling in for Suiren as my lady-in-waiting on this trip, you need to start acting as such." The fuck did this Jinshi come from. Wow put him in some dark robes and he starts thinking his part of the Imperial family or something. Mei rolled her eyes.

"This is Basen, I believe you have already made his acquaintance, seeings as he does spend a lot of time around the residence."

Basen? Basen? Why's that name familiar.
"Oh your Gaoshun's son"

"Yes." Basen said abruptly.
"Wow, you look just like him." Mei shifted in her seat to get a better look at him. She could see the awkwardness in his eyes as she stared at him, there was a slight pink dusting his cheeks as he averted his gaze to avoid hers.

There was a sudden clank of the carriage where it hit a pot hole, causing it to violently shake for a second. It didn't take much to make Mei loose her balance in her seat and fall on top of Basen, one of her arms falling onto his chest while the other land on his shoulder.

Basen's dusted cheeks quickly went rouge as he saw Mei on him, her icy blues staring up at him.
"Oh, I'm soo sorry" Mei said, quickly pushing herself off him. Slightly embarrassed, she averted her gaze towards Jinshi sitting across from her. She quickly noted the vein protruding above his eye, one which looked like it was spasming, and his lips pierced in a pout and his arms folded on his chest.

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