The Poisoning Victim

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"So you have reached a conclusion on who is responsible for the poisoning incident?" Lady Gyokuyou asked as Jinshi and his attendants including Mei entered the parlour of the Jade Pavilion. The Precious Consort was waiting with her four ladies-in-waiting, the fifth still recovering from poisoning.
"Yes, I believe so, Mei?" Jinshi said, signalling for Mei to take the lead in explaining who she might believe is the culprit behind the incident.
Mei took a moment to gather her thoughts, sensing all eyes in the room on her. She met Lady Gyokuyou's gaze with unwavering composure before turning her attention to Jinshi. "Before I can make an assessment, I need you to understand one thing," she stated firmly, her voice holding a hint of determination. "This is all conjecture on my part, and my intuition only."
"We understand, we can only hope you can point us in the right direction with your insight." Lady Gyokuyou spoke with grace and understanding.

Good now that is understood, anything that happens after cannot be blamed on me, The last thing I need is the guilty conscience of someone innocent being blamed.

"To begin with, we interviewed the Eunuch who seemed to be infatuated with you Lady Gyokuyou, though his obsession bordering on dangerous his intentions were pure. Next was Lady Liu, the lady-in-waiting to Consort Lihua. She appeared to be frightened and nervous during the interrogation, vehemently denying any involvement in the poisoning incident. It seemed as though she was hiding something, but her fear could also be a result of something else entirely."
Jinshi nodded thoughtfully at Mei's assessment, his expression unreadable as he absorbed her words. Lady Gyokuyou listened intently, her features composed yet betraying a flicker of concern beneath the surface.
Mei continued, shifting her gaze back to Jinshi as she spoke. "Lastly, we questioned Concubine Xue. She exuded an air of confidence and grace that set her apart from the others. Her responses were composed and unwavering, almost too perfect in their delivery. There was a sense of mystery surrounding her, a veil that she kept tightly drawn around herself."
Lady Gyokuyou's brow furrowed slightly at the mention of Concubine Xue, a subtle frown forming on her delicate features. Jinshi's expression remained neutral, though Mei could sense a spark of curiosity in his eyes.
"Concubine Xue does indeed present a compelling enigma," Jinshi mused aloud, his voice thoughtful as he considered Mei's observations.
"Yes, but there is still one more person who we need to speak to." Mei said, surprising all those present.
Jinshi raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Mei's sudden revelation. "And who might that be?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Mei's expression was resolute as she met Jinshi's gaze. "The poisoning victim, your lady-in-waiting, Lady Gyokuyou."
Lady Gyokuyou's eyes widened in surprise at Mei's suggestion, a flicker of concern crossing her features. "Is it wise to disturb her in her current state? She is still recovering, and the trauma of the incident may be too much for her to bear," she voiced, her tone laced with worry.
Mei's expression softened, understanding Lady Gyokuyou's apprehension. "I believe her insights may prove invaluable in uncovering the truth behind the poisoning. If she is willing to speak, we may gain a clearer picture of what transpired that fateful day," Mei explained, her eyes reflecting a glimmer of determination. Jinshi regarded Mei with a thoughtful expression before turning his attention to Lady Gyokuyou. "What do you think, my Lady? Can one of your other lovely ladies go get her for us?" he inquired, his voice gentle with his classic Jinshi sparkle, making the four ladies-in-waiting blush at his smile.
Lady Gyokuyou nodded, her trust in Jinshi evident in the slight smile that graced her lips. "Of course. I will have one of my trusted ladies fetch her for us," she replied, a sense of resolve in her tone.
As Lady Gyokuyou motioned for one of her ladies-in-waiting to attend to the task, Mei couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, and the looming shadow of truth hovered tantalizingly close.
Within moments, the door to the parlour opened once more, revealing the pale figure of the poisoned lady-in-waiting supported by the concerned maid. Her eyes held a mixture of fear and confusion as she took in the occupants of the room, her gaze finally settling on Jinshi and Mei.
Jinshi greeted her with a warm smile, his voice gentle as he spoke. "Thank you for joining us. I hope you are feeling better."
Her looks are uncanny, I assume Sparkles has noticed as well.
The lady-in-waiting's hands trembled slightly as she clasped them together, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I am feeling better, thank you, Sir." Her eyes darted nervously around the room before settling on Mei, who offered her a reassuring nod.
Mei looked to Jinshi for the nod to continue with her questioning. Jinshi met Mei's gaze and gave her the subtle nod, silently encouraging her to proceed with her inquiries. Mei took a deep breath, her expression soft yet determined as she turned her attention back to the lady-in-waiting.
"Can you confirm your name?"
The lady-in-waiting hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with uncertainty before she finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "My name is Yueling." Her hands trembled slightly as she clutched at the folds of her robes, her gaze darting nervously between Jinshi and Mei.
"How long have you been serving Lady Gyokuyou?" Mei asked the pale lady-in-waiting. Yueling swallowed nervously before responding, "I have been in my Lady's service for a few months."
"Is it true you are the only one out of the five ladies to not have come from the West with Lady Gyokuyou?"
"Yes, I was hired as her food taster, after she already came to the palace." Mei's eyes narrowed slightly, a thoughtful expression crossing her features as she processed Yueling's responses. She glanced at Jinshi, noting the slight furrow of his brow as he listened intently to the interaction. Jinshi's eyes held a glimmer of intrigue, and Mei could sense his mind at work, piecing together the puzzle that lay before them.
"Is it true that you are the younger sister of Concubine Xeu?" Mei paused, her words hanging in the air as a heavy silence settled over the room. Yueling's eyes widened in shock at Mei's question, her hands tightening nervously around the fabric of her robes. The revelation seemed to catch everyone off guard, with Lady Gyokuyou exchanging a surprised glance with Jinshi.
Jinshi's expression remained impassive, but there was a glint of curiosity in his pink eyes. Mei observed the subtle shift in his demeanor, recognising that he was processing this new piece of information.
After a moment of tense silence, Yueling finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, I am... I am Concubine Xue's younger sister."
Mei nodded thoughtfully, exchanging a quick glance with Jinshi. Lady Gyokuyou's features displayed a mixture of surprise and concern at this unexpected revelation.
"How did you know they were sisters?" Lady Gyokuyou asked. Mei's eyes flickered with a sense of satisfaction as she addressed Lady Gyokuyou's question. "It was a mere deduction based on the similarities in their features and mannerisms. There is an undeniable resemblance between them that hints at a familial connection," she explained, her tone calm and composed. "Following the interview with Consort Xue, I deduced that she had something to do with the poisoning however I could not piece together how she could pull it off without help from the inside. And what also had been bugging me, was when you tested me on the type of poison used on the needle. Nightshade venom is not a common poison and not many doctors would know of the antidote without a small amount of research first. However, you said that the type of poison was already determined along with the treatment, so I asked Gaoshun to get me the report on the poisoning and the doctor's notes as well. That was where I discovered that the Doctor noted that it was Yueling who instructed him on the poison and medicines were needed for her recovery." 
Jinshi's eyes widened slightly at Mei's deductions, impressed by her keen observations and logical reasoning. There was a sense of admiration in his gaze as he regarded Mei, recognizing her intelligence and resourcefulness. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place, and Jinshi found himself intrigued by the unfolding mystery that surrounded Yueling and her connection to the poisoning incident.
Mei turned her attention back to Yueling, her expression firm yet compassionate as she addressed the trembling lady-in-waiting. "Yueling, can you explain why you instructed the doctor on the poison and treatment for your own recovery?" Her voice held a note of steel, demanding honesty and clarity from the young woman before them.
Yueling's eyes flickered with fear and uncertainty, her hands trembling as she struggled to find the words to respond.
"Is it because it was an accident when you poisoned yourself when you tried hiding the needle in Lady Gyokuyou's dress?" Yueling's eyes widened in shock at Mei's accusation, her hands shaking uncontrollably as she struggled to form a coherent response. The realization that her secret had been uncovered washed over her, and panic flashed across her face. Mei's gaze remained steady, unwavering as she confronted Yueling with the truth she had uncovered. Jinshi watched the exchange with keen interest, his expression inscrutable as he observed the unfolding drama before him. Lady Gyokuyou, too, looked on with a mixture of surprise and concern, realizing the gravity of the situation.
After a tense moment of silence, Yueling finally broke down, tears streaming down her pale cheeks as she confessed in a trembling voice. "I... I..." her voice cracked with emotion.
"I assume you did this for your sister's benefit?" Mei asked.
Yueling nodded frantically, her tearful eyes filled with guilt. She and her sister had plotted the poisoning together in order for Lady Gyokuyou to fall ill and lose the baby, in hopes that Consort Xue would rise to a higher position in the rankings of the Emperor's concubines. High risk for little reward if you ask me.
Lady Gyokuyou's features were a mask of shock and disbelief as she watched the scene unfold before her. Gaoshun headed towards Yueling in order to tie her hands behind her back following her confession of the attempted poisoning. But Yueling's features quickly changed from that of remorse to anger and defiance. She pushed Gaoshun away with surprising strength, her tear-streaked face contorted in rage as she glared at Mei and Jinshi. "How dare you interfere in our plans! You have no idea what we sacrificed to achieve our goals!" Yueling's voice rose to a crescendo, echoing off the walls of the room as her emotions boiled over.
Mei stood her ground, her expression unwavering in the face of Yueling's outburst. "Your actions endangered not only Lady Gyokuyou but also the innocent life she carries within her. Your selfish ambitions have no place in this palace, especially when they come at the cost of others' well-being," she stated firmly, her words laced with authority.
Jinshi observed the confrontation with a mixture of concern and shock as Yueling suddenly launched at Mei with a sharpened hairpin in one hand, her eyes blazing with fury.
"You will pay for ruining our plans!" Yueling snarled, her voice echoing through the chamber as she lunged at Mei with deadly intent. Mei quickly intercepted the attack showing a display of martial prowess, dodging the hairpin with a flick of her wrist, her eyes never leaving Yueling's. The sharp metallic clink of the hairpin hitting the ground echoed through the room, a brief respite from the intense struggle between Mei and Yueling.
Mei swiftly blocked attacks from Yueling, demonstrating her mastery of the martial arts. At the sudden turn of events left the room in stunned silence. Jinshi watched in awe as Mei's expert fighting skills unravelled before him, her body moving with a grace and precision that belied her petite frame. With lightning-fast reflexes, Mei launched a final attack, sweeping her leg under Yueling's feet and pinning her to the ground with a powerful arm behind her back. Yueling struggled against Mei's iron grip, gasping for air as she fought to break free.
As Mei held Yueling in her grasp, Yueling's cries for mercy fell on deaf ears. Lady Gyokuyou, Gaoshun, and Jinshi stared in shock at the turn of events, their minds reeling from the revelation and the resultant confrontation. Mei's eyes remained cold and unyielding.
Finally, Yueling's struggles weakened, and she slumped on the ground, breathing heavily. Mei's grip loosened, but she remained vigilant, her eyes scanning for any sudden movements. Lady Gyokuyou's mind was reeling from the unexpected turn of events. She turned to Jinshi, hoping for guidance and reassurance. However, even he seemed taken aback by the situation. His eyes held a mixture of shock and confusion as he looked at the seemingly familiar auburn-haired girl who had revealed hidden skills he never knew she possessed.
Gaoshun lunged forward, his eyes blazing with concern as he pulled Mei to her feet and forcefully dragged Yueling out of the room. The air was thick with silence as Jinshi's gaze remained fixed on Mei, his mind spinning from the disturbing scene that had just unfolded. Mei-ling stood tall and composed, her eyes still cold as she faced her master's piercing scrutiny. Unnoticed by either of them, Lady Gyokuyou and her ladies-in-waiting slipped out of the room, leaving only Mei and Jinshi behind.

"So you can fight?" Jinshi's voice cut through the tension like a knife, his stern gaze fixed on Mei. She met his intense stare head-on.


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