The Investigation

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"I still do not understand why I am involved in determining who is the culprit, sir?" Mei asked as her, Jinshi and his attendant Gaoshun headed towards an office building where the three suspects are waiting.
"You possess a unique talent for reading people accurately. You demonstrated this on your first night in my home, if you recall."
So you are hiding something? "Despite limited information, you were able to make accurate assessments. It is this ability that I require for this investigation."
Mei arched an eyebrow at Jinshi's explanation, a flicker of surprise crossing her features at his acknowledgment of her perceptive abilities. But that is all conjecture and nothing with substance, how does he expect me to basically charge someone with treason on conjecture? She mulled over his words as they made their way to the office building, the weight of the impending investigation settling in her gut. Despite her initial annoyance at being roped into this situation, she couldn't deny the thrill of intrigue that coursed through her veins.

There are three people who are believed to have attempted the poisoning of Lady Gyokuyou, first is a Eunuch who has been rumoured to have a love-lost vendetta against the Concubine, second is a lady-in-waiting of Concubine Lihua and third is a mid-ranking concubine named Concubine Xue. Each of them had their own motives for wanting to harm Lady Gyokuyou and her unborn child.

Mei followed Jinshi and Gaoshun into a plain room where they would question the three suspects. Jinshi would ask the questions and Mei would simply listen to what each would have to say in order to defend themselves. The first to be investigated is the Eunuch, his expression a mix of defiance and fear as Jinshi's piercing gaze bore into him. "State your name and your relationship with Lady Gyokuyou," Jinshi's voice was calm, but there was an underlying intensity that made the Eunuch shift uncomfortably in his seat.
The Eunuch cleared his throat nervously before speaking. "My name is Zhang, and I serve on the eastern side of the palace," he began, his eyes darting between Jinshi and Mei. "I have no reason to harm Lady Gyokuyou or her unborn child. I have never held any ill will towards her ladyship."
Mei observed Xian closely, noting the nervous flicker in his eyes and the tension in his posture. His words seemed genuine, but Mei knew better than to rely solely on appearances. She focused on subtle details - the way his fingers trembled slightly, the bead of sweat forming on his brow - all signs that pointed to underlying anxiety.
"Is it not true you were found with what could be considered love letters addressed to the Consort?" Jinshi asked.  Oh dang! Falling in love with the Emperor's consort? A big no no... The Eunuch Zhang's eyes widened in shock at Jinshi's question, his attempt to mask his surprise falling flat. Mei noticed the subtle twitch in his jaw, a fleeting moment of panic that betrayed his calm facade. Zhang hesitated for a brief second, his composure wavering before he collected himself and answered with forced confidence, "Yes, I may have written some letters, but they were merely expressions of admiration for her ladyship's grace and beauty. It was innocent admiration, nothing more." Mei noted the shift in Zhang's demeanor, the strain in his voice as he spoke. His attempt to downplay the nature of the letters raised suspicions in her mind. She exchanged a quick glance with Jinshi, a silent communication passing between them as they assessed Zhang's reactions. He must know he's going to be booted from the rear palace for confessing to that right? He will be lucky to keep his head.
"Yet, these letters were not discovered by chance. They were found hidden in your chambers, away from prying eyes," Jinshi remarked with a hint of accusation lacing his words. "Why keep such letters a secret if they were truly innocent, Zhang?"
Zhang's face paled at the revelation, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, betraying his growing unease. His voice quivered slightly as he attempted to explain, "I... I was... merely... shy about my admiration for her ladyship. I did not wish to cause any undue attention or scandal with my feelings." Mei observed the Eunuch carefully, noting the inconsistencies in his story. His body language screamed of discomfort and guilt, despite his attempts to maintain a facade of innocence. She could see through his flimsy excuses, the desperation in his eyes as he tried to deflect suspicion away from himself. Jinshi leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face as he studied Zhang intently. "Your actions speak louder than your words, Zhang," Jinshi remarked coolly. "Hiding these letters suggests a deeper motive than mere admiration. Perhaps a motive driven by jealousy or anger for a love that was and would never be returned as she is Consort to the Emperor that you serve".
Zhang's facade crumbled at Jinshi's astute observation, his hands trembling visibly as he struggled to come up with a plausible response. Mei watched as beads of sweat gathered on his forehead, a telltale sign of his mounting anxiety. She could sense the tension in the air, thick with suspicion and accusation. "I... I swear it was only admiration," Zhang stammered, his voice betraying his earlier confidence. "I would never harm Lady Gyokuyou or her child. I beg for your mercy, Master Jinshi, sir."
Mei's gaze quickly passed over the Eunuch and then she reached out to gently tap Jinshi's shoulder, silently signaling for his attention. He turned to her, but all she did was shake her head in response.
Jinshi's gaze remained unwavering, his expression inscrutable as he assessed Zhang's plea. After a moment of contemplation, Jinshi nodded to Gaoshun, who stepped forward to escort Zhang out of the room.

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