The Game

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"Tell me about this new Court Lady you have in your services, I've been hearing a lot about her the past couple of weeks." The middle-aged ruler with a prodigious beard asked the nymph-like Eunuch sat across from him in a dimly lit room of a particular pavilion in the outer court.
"You must be referring the Miss Mei-ling, your Majesty."
"I've heard her beauty is quite remarkable." The ruler said, stroking his beard, grinning before leaning on his ivory-bedecked couch to pour himself grape wine into a vessel. "You haven't been hiding her away from me now?" The Emperor said with a smirk.
"I would never deny your Majesty the honour of being around such beauty." Jinshi replied, through slightly gritted teeth. In truth he was kind of hiding Mei from the Emperor's gaze, out of fear that the Emperor would be so taken by her beauty, and would want to make her into one of his precious consorts. Which is why when he found out of the Emperor's visit, he gave Mei the evening off, knowing she would take the chance to visit her young laundry-serving-girl friend, Xio-something.
Jinshi felt somewhat possessive over her and the idea of someone taking her from him, regardless of it being the Emperor or not, the idea made his blood boil. She was his and he was never one to share.
"Then why have I not been introduced yet. Why not you call her in?"
"I'm afraid it's her night off, sire, and she taken the time to visit a friend in the rear palace."
"Well, that's a shame, though I do expect you to make such an introduction soon."
"Yes, your Majesty, consider it done, on your next visit I will assure Mei is in attendance as well." Jinshi said again through slightly gritted teeth.
"Good," he smirked, "I understand you have your annual hunt soon, will you be attending as Jinshi or as yourself?" The Emperor asked raising a brow.
"The invitation was addressed to me, not Jinshi, so I will be wearing a vail to hide Jinshi's face." Jinshi said, leaning forward to pour himself a vessel of the grape wine and taking a long swig.
"You are aware of the rumours circulating that vail of yours? The people are questioning whether you are disfigured."
"Yes, I am aware, though that vail enables me to manage the rear-palace as Jinshi, so the rumours do not bother me."
"Gaoshun won't be able to attend as your personal attendant, I assume you will be appointing his son for that role then?"
"Yes, Basen will be tending to me in his place."
"And what about the girl? Is she to join you on this venture?"
Jinshi hesitated for a moment, he didn't fancy the idea of leaving Mei behind while he was away on the hunt, however she was still in the dark about his true identity, and a trip like this could result in her finding out the truth. He shuddered at the thought of her finding out, how differently she would treat him if she were to know. He enjoyed the coldness of her blunt truths, the icy looks she would give him and her abrupt tone was always refreshing to him. If she were to know the truth, he feared that would all disappear and a rift would divide them apart.
"I haven't decided yet." Jinshi finally answered.
"Well if not, you can always send her my way and I'd be happy to keep her company for you."
"Actually on second thought, I will need Mei to attend, Suiren is too old to make the trip, so I will need Mei to join me."
The ruler let out a slight chuckle at his response, "why do I feel like you've been taken aback by this girl?"
Jinshi offered a tight-lipped smile at the Emperor's words, his mind whirling with conflicting thoughts about Mei's involvement in the upcoming hunt. The idea of her finding out his true identity was unsettling, yet the prospect of spending time away from her was equally uncomfortable, especially if his majesty was so intent on meeting her. He couldn't deny the strange hold Mei had on him, a feeling he was unfamiliar with and struggled to understand.
As the Emperor continued to jest about Jinshi's apparent fondness for Mei, Jinshi kept his composure, hiding the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. The Emperor's teasing tone only added to his inner conflict, pushing Jinshi to make a hasty decision.
"I will ensure Mei accompanies me on the hunt, Your Majesty," Jinshi replied, his voice steady despite the storm raging inside him. The Emperor's grin widened at Jinshi's response, clearly entertained by the unfolding drama before him. Jinshi knew that this decision would change everything between him and Mei, and he couldn't shake off the unease that settled heavily in his chest.

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