The Masked Man

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"So how come you wanted to take a walk around the garden?" Mei asked as they stepped along the cobbled path through the moonlit garden.

"Can't a guy get some fresh air?" He smirked

"Well seeing as you're wearing a hood and vail, I wouldn't say you are getting much 'fresh air', sir. Do you have to wear that on the hunt tomorrow?" Mei glanced up at his covered face, the vail covering from his nose to his neck and a black hood just hovering above his brows. Mei watched how the moonlight glistened in his rose-pink eyes, sparkling more from the contrast of the dark coverings on his face, giving his eyes that more ethereal glow that she's come to appreciate.

"Yes, something I'm not looking forward to considering the heat we've been experiencing."

"Must you wear it?"

"It is a must. For reasonings I cannot explain."

Pfft, who we kidding? Clearly about unwanted attention. Mei was convinced the whole disguise was about hiding his nymph-like beauty. He's definitely more comfortable showing his face around the ladies back at the palace. But that's because he enjoys them swooning at his feet. I wonder if he gets that attention from men as well? I mean... I wouldn't be surprised... Maybe that the reason for the vail, he's not one to swing both ways...

Mei's footsteps fell in line with Jinshi's as they walked together. She nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders, giving him a sidelong glance.

"Are you not going to pry?" Jinshi arched an eyebrow curiously.

"Why should I? It is not my place to meddle in your affairs, sir," she replied calmly, maintaining her composure despite the prickly tone of his question.

"Ah, but you always have an opinion on things, Mei" Jinshi noted with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I may have opinions, Master Jin-... Kousen, but that doesn't mean I feel the need to voice them every time," she retorted.

"But, I like to hear your opinions on things,"

"Ah, but you just said you cannot explain the reasons, so why would my opinion be of any matter?"

Jinshi mulled over her words, opening his mouth but quickly closing it again as he was lost for words. Mei simply chuckled at him, noting that even with his face hidden, she could tell he was pouting like a child, she would never admit it to herself, but she found him acting like this to be quite... well cute.

"Awh cat got your tongue, sir?"

Jinshi's eyes narrowed playfully at Mei's teasing. "You are insufferable, you know that?" His voice held no real malice, just a touch of admiration for her quick wit that kept him on his toes.

Mei let out a soft chuckle, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "And yet, here you are, still walking with me in this garden, veiled and all." She gestured to his disguised face with a sly grin.

"And here is me thinking you were going to continue to tease me with this game you have been playing," Jinshi's lips quirked in a mischievous smile as he turned to face Mei, his eyes glinting beneath the veil. The moon cast a soft glow over the garden, illuminating their figures as they stop beneath a blossoming cherry blossom tree. Jinshi reached up to touch one of the delicate petals, his slender fingers brushing against the soft flower gently.

"Well, we do not have an audience, sir, I must admit, the game was more interesting with someone watching." Mei teased, watching him gently pluck one of the cherry blossoms and twirl it between his fingers.

"Ah, but the most thrilling games are played in secrecy, away from prying eyes," Jinshi replied with a mysterious glint in his pink eyes as he tucked the blossom behind Mei's ear. She felt a rush of warmth at the unexpected gesture, her heart fluttering slightly at his proximity.

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