In Plain Sight (N/A)

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(i had about a dozen ideas for this and none of them really stuck)

"So that's everyone all patched up and recovered, right?"

"Seems like it." Golf Ball responded to Two. "According to my estimates, that *should* be everyone." "Yep. Looks like everyone's here." Black Hole remarked. "Everyone that *can* show up, anyhow." "I don't get my arms back?" Donut grumbled. "Unbelievable." "Hey, just because something got *subtracted* from you, doesn't mean you have any less value!" Two chuckled. "Right? Uh... Why isn't anyone laughing?" "You subjected us to all of *that*, then you're expecting us to *smile*?" Book waved her arms around, also gesturing to a wide-smiled Pillow that's just nearby. "Oh, c'mon." Two replied. "That's exactly why I tried; I wanted to lighten up the mood a little, ya know?" "And speaking of, let's immediately get right into the next contest!" "W-Wha?" Eraser was flabbergasted. "So soon after that last one? The sun hasn't even risen yet!" "Yeah, that's the shortest amount of time between challenges *ever*!" "That's one of your complaints, wasn't it?" Two asked. "You can't complain about it *now*, you guys. You kidding?"

The algebralian took a deep breath. "Now, seeing you all trying to survive that last contest got me thinking; you guys don't really have a good grasp on that whole 'survival' thing, huh?" Two chuckled. "Like, I get not knowing your multiplication tables, but *that* seems like a pretty big thing. So, tonight's contest is gonna be cut from that very same cloth." They'd pause for a moment. "Each team is gonna be given one *very* special book; they're gonna use that book to catalog the *many* interesting and curious creatures of the Evil Forest! How, you may ask? You're also gonna get given these fancy little scanners, once again courtesy of Golf Ball! Just simply point at the creature you wanna record, keep it right on the target, and poof! It's as simple as that. Whoever can fill in their books the most before the sun rises wins; the two teams that have the most barren books will be for elimination!" They took another deep breath after saying all that. "Now, let's not waste any more time; we're burning *precious* moonlight! Go!"

With a snap of their fingers, the teams were transported away into the Evil Forest.


The Strongest Team on Earth found themselves in... the Evil Forest. Shocker.

"Alright, here's the plan." Basketball quickly took charge. "Grassy, you go hold on to the book." "Reading material!" Grassy exclaimed as he picked it up. "Nothing inside." "We'll get on Bell and go airborne; that way, whatever could be lurking won't be able to hurt us." "How are you gonna hang on?" Bell asked. "I have these strange little magnet bracelets I got from... somewhere." Basketball answered. "I'll put them on, and they should be able to stick onto you." "You just have *magnets* lying around?" Robot Flower approximated a scoff. "What a weirdo!" "You're gonna take to the skies while the creatures are *clearly* on the ground? What wimps!" Snowball complained; Basketball sighed as she struggled to get on Bell. "We're not gonna go *that* high up, obviously. We're just gonna-" "I'll stay on the ground and *actually* get scanning. I'm strong enough to beat anything that can get in my way!" The orange one sighed and scoffed. Muttering something to herself. "Alright, if that's your plan. Bell, take us out of here." And they were indeed out of there in short notice, leaving Robot Flower and Snowball all by themselves; the lump of snow looked at the mechanical mind. "So, uh-" "Get to work you *wimp*!" The metal Flower shouted.

"Alright, Pillow!" Book immediately stepped in-between her and the rest of Just Not. "You've got your scanner; you go ahead and lead the way! Feel free to beat up whatever creatures you can find, just remember to scan them!" "Looks like you're finally on the same page!" Pillow exclaimed. "You got it!" She'd then march straight into the unknown darkness. "*WHAT*?" Bomby shouted at the well-read one. "You're not actually buying what she's selling, right?" Price Tag queried. "She *killed* you!" "O-Of course not!" Book replied. "I just wanted her to hear what she wanted to hear so she can get out of our way; I've got a different plan for the rest of us. I happen to be a comprehensive encyclopedia on the many creatures of Goiky, and as part of that, I know how to track them!" Bomby quickly got to work on looking through her pages, though he couldn't really see much due to the sheer lack of light. "Stop that!" Book forcibly closed herself. "*I'll* do it, alright? I'll tell you what to look out for, and you guys get to scanning." "Sounds like a sound idea." Price Tag remarked. "I'd bet good money on that!"

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