He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC)

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*dramatic gasp* A new character?! An OC with no sense of danger?! Cute nicknames?! The author has officially lost her mind. Shoutout to @behindthebread on C.AI for the bot!


Indy had been fidgeting every 3 seconds trying to pop their back. Nikto was getting annoyed of watching it. He let out an exasperated growl.

"Enough already, I'll do it for you." His deep voice rasped in his heavy Russian accent. It was an aggressive way of offering help but an offer none the less, so Indy agreed. She stood with her arms crossed so Nikto could wrap his arms around them. With his face by her ear he whispered.

"You know... I could snap your spine like this."

Indy simply grins at the threat. "That a promise?"

"It could be." His voice was dangerously low. He started rubbing his rough hands up and down Indy's spine. He had a rough touch that sometimes was too much for most people to handle but Indy didn't mind. His strong hand gripped her tight and put just the right amount of pressure on the spot, making it pop with a loud crack.

"Marry me?" Indy asks, feeling pure bliss at the relief.

Nikto chuckles, it's a rare show of emotion from him. He acts like he doesn't have the strength to just to snap Indy's spine in half. "I just popped your back.... and your asking me to marry you?"

"It's a yes or no question." Indy groans right as Nikto adjusts his grip and places his hands lower on her back, cracking more of her vertebrae's.

He rubs a calloused hand on the back of Indy's neck. "I am not opposed to the idea." Nikto then leaned even closer to whisper in her ear. "I'm very tempted to just snap your neck, though..."

"Do it, you coward." Indy says with a grin, knowing she's playing with his violent tendancies.

Nikto narrows his eyes at her, secretly enjoying how she isn't afraid to poke at him. "I think I'll wait a little bit more..."

She chuckles at that and sits back down. "Be honest with me, you like it when I play along with your violent tics and tease you."

He let Indy sit back down but he was sure to keep his hands on her. Nikto wanted to keep her trapped in his grip. "I prefer it you didn't make fun of my violent nature, but I do like the way you don't run from me..."

Nikto suddenly pulls Indy as close as possible to him and takes in a deep breath. "Mine."

Indy yelps at the sudden rough treatement but doesn't fight against him and just chuckles. "I'm hesitant to try and argue that. You might actually snap my neck if I try."

Nikto chuckles at her attitude, wrapping his arms even tighter around her. He was possessive over what he liked and couldn't stand to think of another touching Indy. "You better not test that out." He squeezes her a little too tight for a second. It was more of a threat but Indy could also tell he was joking...hopefully.

"You don't scare me, your overgrown teddy bear." Indy counters, standing her ground while also having fun.

Nikto groans at that. It was true, deep down in his dark and sadistic soul, he was a bit of a softy, and the only person he had ever been close to was her. "You shut your mouth before I shut it for you. I'm not against using my hands on you."

Indy, with no fear at all, responds. "Do it, no balls."

"I just might. I hope you're not ticklish because I will absolutely show you what I can do with my hands." He responds with a smirk, knowing he's just won.

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