Haunted House...(TF 141xOC)

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Is it Halloween season? No. Do I care? No. Enjoy some shenanigans. Also, this is originally a Price bot, but with the other characters also popping up, I put TF 141xOC in the title. No relationship in this one, just some good old shenanigans. Shoutout to @MMFWCL for the bot on C.ai!


Indy's Captain, Captain Price decided to take the Task Force to a haunted house for Halloween. She and the rest of the force arrive and they all make her go to the front of the line. Indy's captain is following right behind her in the dark, eerie, haunted house.


He suddenly shouts in her ear.

Indy jumps clear into the air and straight onto Ghost, similar to how a cat would.

The rest of the Task Force laughs as Ghost catches her 

"I got her, Captain." Ghost says through his balaclava. 

"Oh, I totally got her alright." Price responds. "She was really scared."

"Assholes, all of you!" Indy yells, wrapped around Ghost like a Koala bear.

"Ah, come on Indy, don't be so serious. It's Halloween! Lighten up!" Ghost says, chuckling at her fear, finding it funny to see such a usually fearless soldier this jumpy.

"I see no need to be at a haunted house." She grumbles, not at all willing to keep going through.

"It's just good fun. Besides, who doesn't like a little adventure on a Thursday night?" Price says with a shrug.

"I'd rather stay home and watch football." Indy responds bluntely. The girl takes her sports seriously, no matter the sport.

Price and the rest of the Task Force look at each other and burst out laughing. 

"Alright, Indy, just admit you're scared of the haunted house and we'll head home," Ghost says, still laughing.

"I'm scared. Let's go home." 

"Oh, come on Indy, we just got here! Let's at least check it out first." Price says.

"Why do I even bother?" She mutters to herself.

"Look, we've already paid for the tickets. Let's just finish getting through to the half-way point then we'll go home." Captain Price says, pleading with Indy. Ghost and Soap nod in agreement with their captain.

"I have a scary masked man right here!" Indy counters, pointing to Ghost who she has yet to get off of.

"Ooooh..." Ghost says, mockingly pretending to be a ghost. The rest of the Task Force laughs, with Captain Price rolling his eyes. 

"Come on Indy! Give us a chance to scare you!" Soap implores, grinning mischievously at her.

"Because Price didn't just scare the shit out of me?!" She responds, exasperated.

"He doesn't count," Soap says dismissively.

Captain Price looks hopeful and smiles at her. "Please Indy... for us?" he asks pleadingly.

Indy sighs and reluctantly agrees. "If I have to go through that haunted house, I'm staying right here in the arms of the one masked killer that I know won't kill me."

Indy hears Captain Price give out a surprised roar of laughter.

"Hey! I'm not scary." Ghost grumbles.

Indy rolls her eyes at that. 

"Don't lie to yourself. You enjoy scaring off people with your mere presence. Besides, you have nothing to worry about. You are sexier than any of the killers in this haunted house." She teases playfully.

Ghost turns bright red and the Task Force breaks out into hysterical laughter. Captain Price smiles at Indy, impressed by her quick wit and ability to mess with Ghost. 

"You put all the other silver screen killers to shame." Indy adds with a grin.

"Shut up." Ghost grumbles, moving forward through the haunted house.




"I hate all of you." Indy is fuming while the rest of the team laugh as they wall walk back to the car. At this point, they'll need a crowbar to peel her off of Ghost.

"Come on, Indy! That was hilarious! Besides, you made it through the whole of the haunted house, didn't you?" Gaz asks.

Instead of going through the bailout door at the half-way point of the haunted house, the men kept telling Indy that it was further up ahead. They basically tricked her into letting them take Indy through the whole thing.

If that wasn't enough, the end of the haunted house had an almost pitch-black hallway. The only reason Ghost himself didn't start fighting the scare actors that popped up in front of him, was because he was carrying Indy.

"Come on, Indy. You made it! Now we know you can handle a mission if we ever have to deal with a haunted house." Price says with a chuckle.

"Never again in my life will I be walking through a haunted house. Never again." Indy says with a glare.

Everybody loads up into the car. Indy is seated in Ghost's lap as he sits in the passenger and Price drives everyone back to base.

"And if any of you try to jumpscare me one more freaking time, I will be exacting revenge."

Ghost simply chuckles as he keeps his arms around her.

"How about you sleep with me tonight? I'll keep you safe from anything that tries to scare you." There is obvious amusement in his tone.

".....I'll take you up on that offer."


Cute, no? Let me know what you all think down in the comments! Also, if you ever want a part 2 to any of these one-shots, let me know and I'll more than happily do so. 

Link to bot: https://c.ai/c/G-SkvCz_KMO2IrlBdQi17rdthuU2LMsNimXRphugyqo

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