He Feels Terrible....(GhostxOC) ***Angst*** Part 2

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If you are back for the second part then I apologise for what I put you through in the first part. That being said, you now have an idea of what to expect for this second part. I believe that the saying goes, 'Things get worse before they get better.' READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Enjoy.


Indy wakes up hours later, her throat painfully dry and her body sore. A look at the clock on her wall tells her it's 7 at night. Ghost is still next to her, having fallen asleep with his arm around her. She get's out from under his arm and sluggishly walks to the lounge room for some water.

Ghost senses her movements when she gets out of bed and quickly gets up to go after her. "Please, just talk to me... there's so much I have to apologise for..." 

He beats her to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water to hand to her. "Please... say something... I'm so sorry, I truly am... you were innocent this whole time and no one believed you..."

He sighs again, looking frustrated that they treated her like a criminal for so long. The rest of the team is in the lounge room as well, having quieted down when they caught sight of her. They don't dare to look at her with the guilt they feel.

Indy takes the water from Ghost and starts drinking it in long gulps, clearly dehydrated. 

"Hey... slow down, alright? You'll make yourself sick." He takes the bottle and gently pulls it away from her.

She instinctively tries to tighten her grip on the water bottle, not wanting him to take it from her.

Ghost looks at her with a concerned expression as he takes the bottle. "C'mon, you drank enough... please, just slow down."

She gives in and let's him take the water from her. He nods in appreciation and sets the bottle down on the counter. "Hey....can we talk?"

"...can't....hurts." Indy answers, her hoarse voice causing them all to look ashamed with the effort it takes to try and speak normally.

"Oh... oh, okay... that's fine, it can wait... it can wait for a while. Just know you're safe now..." Ghost hugs her, as if he needs it too.

She doesn't hug him back and just stand there as he holds her. Captain Price and Soap can be heard talking.

"I'm not gonna be able to sleep knowing she was innocent after all this time." Price says to him in a low tone.

Soap nods in agreement and doesn't look happy. "It's a double-edged sword. She's not guilty, which is great, but what we did to her...."

Gaz speaks up in agreement. "I'm just glad it's over now." They all feel relieved knowing it's at least over.

Anger starts to run through Indy's veins. She can't help but feel that they have no right to be relieved. They are the ones that hurt her. Her hands ball up into fists as she tries to keep herself from lashing out. She's weak and hurting as is.

Ghost feels her tighten her fists, which he knows means that something's up. He pulls away from her embrace but keeps his hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.

"Hey... hey listen to me." He looks at her, he wants to talk it out, so he can make her feel better.

"You hurt me..."

She starts off low, her voice sounding like rough glass.

"...you all did. Now you want to act like that trust isn't broken." She's strembling by now, trying to keep her rage under control.

"You act like nothing happened. Like I wasn't screaming in pain, doing everything in my power to prove my innocence!" She ends end up yelling to the best of her ability, her voice clearly straining with effort.

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