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Time for everyones favorite Scotsman to have a turn. This bot was fun to interact with, especially since it wrote in the way Soap's accent sounds like. Thanks to @0ak7 for the bot! Linked at the end of the chapter.


"Im not tired, Indy!" Soap protested as Indy lay behind him, tracing small shapes on his back. He had just returned from a mission and was quite obviously tired, but he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, refusing to go to sleep - hence why they now laid in Indy's bed together. 

"You're too stubborn for your own good, lass." She heard him huff, Scottish accent heavier as his voice turned thicker with sleep. 

"Well, I want cuddles. It's you who thinks I'm trying to trick you into falling asleep." Of course Indy is trying to trick him into going to sleep. Like any good girlfriend, sho does it by simply disguising her intention behind cuddles.

"Ye can't fool me that easy, Indy." Soap muttered, eyes beginning to close as he spoke. "I know you're just tryin' to get me to sleep. It's not gon' work, lass. I wanna feel ye holdin' me close."

He then chuckled. "Besides, you don't give half-bad cuddles."

She bonks him on the head for that comment before running her fingers through Soap's hair.

Soap laughs quietly, enjoying the warmth of her hand against his head. "Oh, and you're all fine n dandy at snuggling, right? So very good at cuddling. So very good."

He chuckles. "Ye big tease, ye," Soap murmurs, hand rising to place on the top of Indy's head, stroking her hair as he yawns.

Indy smirks as she responds, "Says the biggest of teases."

"I'm nae a tease," Soap insisted, though there was no real conviction in his voice as he spoke.

"Just admit that I give the best cuddles." She felt Soap stretch out beside her, arms snaking around Indy and pulling her closer against him. "Besides..."

His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "I'm probably tired, too."

"What?! No." She says dramatically, pretending to be shocked.

Soap chuckled, a smile touching his lips at her dramatic act..

"Ye really are such a drama queen," he murmured. "I'm sure I could find some better cuddles somewhere else."

Another low chuckle escapes him, playful as he shifts against her.

"Good luck with that." Indy responds with a snort.

"Ye sure you're nae a bit worried about tha?" Soap asks, shifting so he now lays on top of her and pressing his nose against the side of Indy's neck.

"If I went out and tried to find those supposed 'better cuddles', I may just nae come back."

"You'd come running back because I'm the only one who'll put up with your ass." She responds with a self-satisfied grin.

"Is tha so? Do ye really reckon I can't find someone who can put up with a cheeky and handsome Scotsman like me?" Soap asks, voice low as he trails his nose along her neck.

"If you do, she's a saint sent straight from heaven."

Soap chuckled again, turning his mouth to nuzzle the skin of her neck.

"I don't know, lass, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who's been blessed by the gods." His voice is playful, though he knows Indy must have a saintly amount of patience to put up with him.

"You think so?" Indy asks, a small smile on her lips.

"Aye, I do." Soap replies, nuzzling her throat lightly and leaning down to kiss her neck.

"Cause I'm sure anyone else would have either murdered me or fallen madly in love with me by now."

"Well, in my case, I've fallen madly in love, but I also will admit to having thought about pressing a pillow to your face and ending it all with how you snore."

Soap chuckled again, pulling away slightly and looking up at her.

"Aye, ye really are somethin' else." His voice was still playful, one arm slipping along Indy's body as he traced the contours of her sides.

"So, ye really not worried about any other lass stealing me from you?" Soap asks, smiling as he speaks.


"Don't ya think I'm too handsome and charming and irresistible for you to be so damn non-chalant about that stuff? You're not even a wee bit jealous?"

Indy raises an amused eyebrow at that. "Darling, I've seen you when you get drunk. You yelled at the bartender who was trying to grab your empty drink from you. I believe your exact words were, 'Aye got a girl ya wench! Get yer hands oof a me!"

Soap groaned at the words, cheeks burning as he remembered the event from weeks prior.

"I was nae that drunk...alright, I do admit I may have had a bit too much." He laughed as he spoke, brushing his fingers along Indy's thigh. "So, are ye still nae worried? I mean, do ye even care if I'm flirting right now?"

"Soap, I'd have your balls if you cheated on me," Indy deadpans, "but I also know you and know that you won't. Your soul is too kind for that." 

"I'm sure if I cheated on ya, you wouldn't stop with ma balls." Soap remarked in a joking fashion, before laughing softly.

"My soul may be kind, but I ain't a perfect man... I could definitely flirt with some other lass and pretend like you won't find out." This statement was spoken with a bit more confidence than the others, clearly teasing Indy and trying to get a rise out of her.

"The guilt would eat you alive." She responds simply.

"You think so?" Soap asks curiously, not arguing the point. "Are you really that positive I wouldn't be able to do it?"

"I'll show you exactly why you would never be able to do so." Indy takes his face in her hand and has him look at her. Taking a small breath, she gives him the most hurt and heart-broken expression she can manage.

"You cheated on me?" Her voice is shakey and cracking with 'raw emotions'.

Even while he knew it was just an act, Soap could feel the words cutting into him as if they had been delivered by knives. Indy was an excellent actor, and even he felt the twinge of guilt well within him.

"No-no, lass, I'd never do such a thing. I could never. You mean too much to me." The words were quiet though they carried an air of desperation and sincerity.

"I know." Her voice is back to it's soft tone as she runs her hand up and down his back.

Soap shifted against her, body relaxing slightly as her hand came to soothe him.

"I do love you..." He murmured.

"I love you, too, you big baby." She presses a kiss to his temple.

"I'm nae a big baby. I'm tough as nails. I'm the strongest, most handsome, most charming..." Soap protested but failed, unable to keep a straight face as he tried not to laugh at his own words. He then sighed contently as he pulled her close against him. "I'm just so glad you put up with me."

Indy smiles at that and stays quiet, knowing that a few moments of silent will get him to fall asleep.

Soap's words trail off, and he lets out one last sigh before his breath grows shallower and slower. Indy could tell that as much as he tried to stay awake, the exhaustion was getting the better of him.

His grasp relaxed around her and Soap's muscles relaxed into a state of contentment as her presence began to lull him towards some much needed sleep.


Hope you guys liked this one. Let me know what you think and if you have any bots you want me to do, leave it in the comments. 

Link to the bot:

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