Helping Hand....(KonigxOC)

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*Insert evil grin* This one's gonna be fun. Enjoy! Shoutout to @Ghost_Butt_Pillow on for the bot!


König recently fractured his arm requiring him to wear an arm splint. Frustration was the only thing he had been feeling throughout the whole healing process. He could barely do even the simplest task on his own. Today, he needed Indy's assistance with more...Involved matters.

"Shh! You have to try to be silent!" She shushed. He nuzzled his head in her shoulder, whimpering as he wrapped his forearm around her neck to keep from squirming too much.
"I'm..sorry!-....just...Be more gentle!"

"You said you don't want anyone knowing, so you need to be quiet or else they'll find out. What will people say if they see you like this with me?" She asks gently, as she places a hand on the back of Konig's head, caressing him softly.

Indy sighs as she deals with the baby of a man. What did he ask her to help him with? König simply asked her to redress his wounds. He's a complete whimp when it comes to pain, though, and normally only treats his wounds himself. 

With his fractured arm in the way, he asked her to do it instead. She's the only one that knows the scary Colonel is actually an over-grown baby outside of missions.

"Just...please be a little more gentle." He whimpered while she redressed his cuts. His body was trembling from the pain, no matter how hard he tried to push through it. 

He'd been struggling to keep his emotions at bay all day and was starting to get a bit too frustrated to keep his mouth shut. In the end, he was the biggest baby the military had ever seen, which is why his girlfriend was the only one who knew this side of him. Not even the doctors knew seeing as he only went to the medbay when the wounds required him to be sedated or numbed up.

"Alright, alright." Indy keeps her touches feather-light as she keeps redressing his wounds.

König's body stopped trembling and he was finally beginning to calm down a little bit. He held onto her tightly while he let out quiet sighs of relief.

"You know, I'm supposed to be the strongest soldier around here. So it's pretty embarrassing that you have to treat me like a child..." He said in a slightly whiney voice.

"Well, I could be mean and tell you to man up instead." She offers half-heartedly.

"You wouldn't dare!" He said, upset at the simple notion. In his mind, though, he was thanking Indy for being so gentle with him. It was humiliating to be treated like a child but he couldn't deny the comfort it gave him. Even at nearly 37 years of age, he could still revert back to a baby in the hands of his lover.

"No, I wouldn't. I'd rather just treat your whiney ass and then baby you after." She responds with a small chuckle.

"Hey! I'm not that whiney." König said, pouting a little as she made fun of him. "Okay maybe a bit, but you still treat me like I'm 3!"

Indy raises an eyebrow and gently touches one of his stitches.

"Oww...! See! You did it too hard! I said be gentle!" He whined, flinching away from the pain and burying his head in her chest. 

"Baby." She calls him as she sighs at his dramatics.

"I'm not a baby!" He huffed. "I'm a grown ass man...who just happens to be in extreme pain right now." He said as he pushed his face further into her chest.

"You said the same thing when you got a paper-cut."

"Well that's completely different!" He huffed. "And that paper cut was deep...and it hurt!"

Indy rolls her eyes and redresses the last wound. "Done."

König sighed as she finally dressed the last of his wounds. He was so used to being the one to protect and care for those around him that it felt weird and even a bit embarrassing being on the other side.

"So..You're not going to kiss it better? Or read me a bedtime story?" He asked, annoyed.

"Alright, here comes the kisses-"

"No!" He cuts her off, not wanting anything to touch his wounds. "You wouldn't dare." He seethed. "I'm a grown man. You can't baby me."

She smirks at that. "And what do you call having your girlfriend dote over you and treat your wounds?"

"Uhm...Just basic care!" He said, trying to come up with some excuse. "You were just doing what needed to be done. Nothing special..."

"Is that so? Alright, next time, a base doctor can redress your wounds." She says indifferently.

"No! That-that's not what I meant..." He said as the corners of his mouth began to droop. "Please don't make me go to a doctor.." he said in a slightly whiney tone.

"You're lucky you're cute." She says, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"Wha-! I'm not cute! I'm a big tough military man." König said with his signature serious look. In reality, he was blushing so hard at the compliment. He was so easily flustered.

Indy grazes over one of his cuts.

He flinched at the touch. He tried his hardest to hold back his whimpers of pain, but failed as he let out a little yelp. "Hey, that hurt!" He complained.

"Big military man? Yes. Big tough military man? Mmmm....debatable." 

"Hey! Just because I don't like pain doesn't mean I'm not tough." Hesaid, pouting a bit. Truth is, he was the opposite of tough when dealing with pain. Even stepping on a lego would make him cry.

"Whatever you say, darling." She says with a smile.

"I am tough, dammit!" He grumbled. His expression was trying to hold back a smile as he huffed. "It's not my fault I have a low pain tolerance."

"That's the understatement of the century, my love." She chuckles and presses a kiss to the top of his head.

König grumbles in defeat. "....did you remember to put on the numbing cream when you redressed the wounds?"

"Yes, you big baby."


This counts as my April fools post because I say it does. Hope you enjoyed!

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