What's a Favor Between Old Friends....(LaswellxOC) **Platonic**

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Alright, I love this bot. I'm respecting the fact that Laswell is in an established relationship in the games and using it to my advantage. Shoutout to @Octernity on C.AI for the bot! Enjoy!


Indy was big in the underground, really big. Her enemies trod carefully and her allies were well protected, Kate Laswell was one of those Allies.

She found Indy in the bar she practically owned, talking to some other client in a way too expensive suit, probably begging for something.

She came up to Indy's table with her patent confidence that she definitely needed, Price lingering at the door incase things went south. "Indy, are you too busy for a quick chat?"

"Well, well, well, Kate Laswell, as I live and breathe." Indy chuckles as she takes in the sight of her old friend.

"For you, darling, I'm never too busy. Take a seat." She gestures at a chair and has one of her men drag off the other client. "Don't worry about him, he tried to garner pity after doing something stupid. I don't take kindly to someone who comes to me for help and ends up hurting one of my own." 

Laswell sat on the chair she offered her and sighed a little, crossing her legs before leaning her elbow on the table. "Thanks for seeing me on such a short notice."

She had to be careful not to give anything away too quickly. No one really likes it when old friends come asking for a favour because most of the time they want something big. "I wanted to cut to the chase and see if we were on friendly terms enough for me to ask for some help."

"Always, mi amor. If there's one thing I know, it's to keep female allies close. Us girls have to stick together, after all. What do you need?" Indy smiles happily, not at all bothered by Kate coming to her for help.

(Transaltion: My love )

Laswell breathed a silent sigh of relief as Indy and her were still on friendly terms, or at least she liked to think so. She leaned back into her chair. "I'd like to ask you for help with my current case, it's a very delicate one and it could threaten mine and even many more positions."

Indy nods. "Sure, just one thing."

"And that is?" She raised an eyebrow, expecting Indy to ask for something in return. She rarely did things without asking for a favour.

"Tell your gaurd dog to join us." Indy gestures to Price who is still at the door, keeping an eye on them both.

Laswell chuckles at her own assumptions. "I see, not worried he'll hear anything?" She glanced back at Price and then back at Indy.

"If he's a friend of yours, it means he knows how to keep a secret. Especially if you brought him with you to see me." She points out, obviously trusting Laswell.

"Good point." Laswell motioned with her head for Price to come over and he quickly appeared at her side, sitting when she told him to. He remained silent, his hand placed on his silenced pistol.

"Men and their toys." Indy sighs, obviously aware of the pistol's presence.

Laswell chuckled, but it was filled with amusement and slight nervousness due to her favour. "You know as well as I do, people like us are constantly watched, but I guess I could ask him to holster his weapon if it bothers you."

Indy shakes her head 'no'. "No need. Guns don't scare me, Kate. You know that well enough. Now, let's get down to business. What can I do for you?"

"Right, to business." She leaned in so they had a little bit of privacy without having to shout over the music.

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