He Can't Sleep Without You...(HorangixOC) Part 2

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Alright, here is part two. This will be the only extra part. Slight pining from Horangi in this chapter. Enjoy the sillies.


Indy and Horangi were heading to lunch in the mess hall, a mundane activity that Indy was not happy to partake in.

"I hope they have something good or else I might just start hunting on base and making my own food." She grumbles, clearly having an issue with the food served.

Horangi chuckled as he heard the suggestion that she was willing to hunt for her own food. It was a suggestion she always made, yet it was one that he never really took seriously.

"What're you gonna hunt? The squirrels outside? The birds in the trees?" He asked, obviously poking fun at Indy. "Besides, do you really think the food is that bad?"

"I have a military grade weapon, spite, and 100 acres behind this base. I doubt I'll have an issue hunting down a deer." Indy says, clearly confident in her ability.

Her remark caused Horangi to choke on air and burst out laughing at her audacity. "You really think you'll be able to catch a deer? Do you realize how fast the deer will be when it sees you charging at it? Plus, it's probably going to hide when it hears you coming, so good luck even trying to catch one."

Indy glares at him. "Then you hunt it for me. You are the one with the callsign that mean 'Tiger' after all."

The comment made Horangi's grin grow larger as she made reference to his callsign. "I have the name I do for a reason. You should know that by now. I will absolutely hunt a deer down for you, Tigresa."

"The day I get fed up, all I'm gonna do is hand you your weapon and grumble to get me food. I'll take care of the butchering and cooking." She chuckles as they walk into the mess hall.

"Sounds like a perfect day to me. We'll feast like royalty because I'll make sure I catch the biggest deer for you to butcher." Horangi gets excited at the idea of Indy cooking for them both. The thought of being able to sit down with Indy at the table and eat dinner together made him feel warm inside. It was a dream he wanted to see come true.

"Hopefully, that day is soon." Indy grabs one of the lunch trays and sits down before looking down at her tray wand scowling. "That day might be today."

Her complaint about the lunch was enough to catch his attention and look at her tray since she were visibly upset. "Is the food really that bad?"

"It is an insult to anyone with culture." She deadpans.

He didn't think Indy would bash the food like that, especially since it was a military base. Horangi couldn't help but laugh since it was no surprise that the food wasn't exactly the best of the best. "Is there an issue with that? I'm sure you've eaten it before. What makes it any different now?"

"The fact that I ran out of adobo." She grumbles. "Salt and pepper is not seasoning, it is a building block for seasoning." She mutters as she eats. "As a Korean, you should also find this insulting."

Horangi nods in agreement. "As a Korean, I do find it mildly insulting but I get over it pretty quickly. I've been on enough military bases to know what to expect, so I can live with the shittiness of this food. It's food; it serves its purpose. It'll never be amazing food, but at least it does what it's supposed to do; fill your stomach." He points out.

Indy simply looks at him with zero amusement. "Horangi, I have little filter right now. My response to that would have been; 'There is something else that also fills my stomach, and yet you don't see me gagging for that over actual food'."

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