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TW: Fear/ anxiety regarding safety, Panic attacks, Child distress ,Psychological trauma, Bullying and social isolation, Self-blame/ guilt, Grief/ mourning

The Shinsous moved in with Hitoshis parents the day after Mihoshi was discharged from the hospital because Hitoshi didn't think that it was a good idea to go back to the house where Miyako had been killed and where a serial killer who was determined to kill him and his family had been and knew about.

Hitoshi ran into their own house before they went to his parents to grab some stuff for the girls and himself. The stuff consisted of clothes, some books, toys, pillows that the CSI and substance teams determined to be safe, sheets (also deemed safe), detergent, toiletries, a photo book, and some of Miyakos belongings (I.E perfume, a shirt or two, makeup, stuffed animals she slept with, etc...) and the cats, Ha-re(who's a ginger cat) and Kumori (who's a gray cat). Hitoshi then drove to his parents house.

A bit before 5PM

"Mom, Dad We're here," Hitoshi said as he brought in the three suitcases. Hitoshis mom came over and took Mizuki from Hitoshi, so he could get the stuff inside without having to worry about dropping her. "Hey guys! Come on in, dinner's almost done. Hoshi, can you help me set the table?"Hitoshis mom said.

Hitoshis parents' names were Hajime and Emiko (or Haj and Emi). Hajime works as a doctor his quirk is brainwashing and Emiko works as a teacher and is quirkless, Hajime is 55 and Emiko is 54. They have four kids, Hikari, Kakashi, Hitoshi and Kimiko (in that order). They've lived in the same house as long as they've been married. They got married when they were 23 and 22 and had Hikari nine months after that, then Kakashi three and a half years after Hikari , and Hitoshi four years after Kakashi and finally had Kimiko four years after Hitoshi.

Mihoshi shook her head while holding onto her dads leg, not wanting to leave her fathers side. " Sweet pea, I gotta get the rest of this inside and away,'' Hitoshi said as he tried to scooch Mihoshi towards her grandmother. "No, no daddy," Mihoshi pleaded as she was trying to fight the push of her dads leg into the house. "Come on sweetheart, let's give your dad a minute to get your stuff inside," Emiko said as she gently took Mihoshi's hand and led her into the house. Emiko eventually got Mihoshi inside and she helped set the table.

Hitoshi got everything in the room they'd be staying in before mihoshi came in to 'help him' in the way six year olds do.

"Daddy?" Mihoshi said.

"Yea, Mochi," answered Hitoshi.

"When are we gonna go home, to our house?"

"I dunno,"

Truth be told Hitoshi didn't know what to say because he didn't think they'd ever go back to that house. because in all honesty he was scared to. He was scared that if Tanaka (the eviscerator/ murderer) got away or out of jail he'd know exactly where to find them and finish what he started. He was scared that maybe other people would hurt them. He was scared that maybe there were still dangers in the house that the squad did not find. He was scared that maybe his kids couldn't handle being in the house again, but he knew they could and he was scared he wouldn't be able to handle being in the house.

Mihoshi was a bright girl, she had good grades and was 'the sweetest little girl you could ever meet' and 'a pleasure in class,' her teachers said. Her quirk was something that deterred people, so she was either alone or being picked on at school. But, there was a group of kids at school who had 'different' or 'bad' quirks and she was pretty good friends with some of them. So she didn't mind the being picked on.

Her quirk was a kind of blend between her parents, it was telepathy. She could see what people thought just by being around them, but especially if she touched them. She hated her quirk, much like the rest of her family. When in public her quirk would 'act up' in A sense. she would become more sensitive to sounds and lights, and if she touched someone or got jostled in a crowd she lost it and ended up being so badly overwhelmed that she'd often panic herself into crying, or an asthma attack. She'd been tested for all the different neuro-developmental problems a child her age could have that could contribute to that panic but she was 'just as normal as the next kid' the Dr. said and chalked it up to her quirk.

She loved animals. It was her passion to talk and learn about them. She had gotten loads of books from people, especially from her aunt and parents. She could spend hours looking at the pictures and reading the facts beneath them. When she read the books she'd talk to mizuki about the different creatures and when she sat with her mom or dad or grandparents but especially her granddad she'd tell them facts about the animals. When she was little she'd run up to an older relative, usually one of her parents but when she had the chance she'd go to her grandpa. He was her favorite to read those books with because he had some many more facts about the animals and he made jokes whenever opportunity presented itself.

Mihoshi had begun to follow her dad around and was stuck to his side, but if she wasn't following around her father she would avoid him entirely. In Mihoshi's head she had connected the loss of her mother to her not being around her, She blamed herself for the loss of her mom. she thought her dad hated her for being the reason his wife, the woman she knew he loved so much, was dead. That was entirely wrong. her father loved her and her sister just as much if not more than he always did. Mihoshi thought that if she hadn't asked to go to the park, then her mom would still be alive. Of course that was wrong, if they didn't go to the park and only went grocery shopping, then she and her sister would be dead as well.

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